Parler du #féminicide de Marie #Trintignant survenu il y a 20 ans est important, saluer sa carrière à l’écran aussi
Retour en 2003 avec ce #podcast sur le traitement médiatique du meurtre de Marie #Trintignant par Bertrand Cantat : ça date d'avril mais ça a été repartagé ici pour la date anniversaire du "drame de Vilnius" comme on disait.
Des analyses croisées intéressantes, mêlant regards critiques sur le traitement médiatique de l'époque, et analyses féministes contemporaines (ou, surtout, plus écoutées en 2023 qu'à l'époque...) sur le continuum des violences notamment.
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 18: Sports car racing on #InternationalSportsCarRacingDay
A man and a woman meet and fall in love. The woman – Anouk Aimée – still mourns the loss of her stuntman husband, while the man – Jean-Louis Trintignant – is alone since his partner took her life, incapable of dealing with his near-fatal crash at #LeMans. #Trintignant came from a family obsessed with race car driving and was an avid amateur driver himself. His uncle, the #GrandPrix racer Maurice Trintignant, can be seen driving a #Maserati Tipo 151/1 during the race scene.
A deceptively simple #film by Claude Lelouch, with an equally breezy soundtrack by Francis Lai. This is Un homme et une femme (1966).
#film #AnoukAimée #JeanLouisTrintignant #ClaudeLelouch #FrancisLai #FilmMastodon #CineMastodon @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #internationalsportscarracingday #lemans #trintignant #grandprix #maserati #film #anoukaimee #jeanlouistrintignant #claudelelouch #francislai #filmmastodon #cinemastodon
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 18: Sports car racing on #InternationalSportsCarRacingDay
A man and a woman meet and fall in love. She, Anouk Aimée, still mourns the loss of her stuntman husband, while Jean-Louis Trintignant is alone since his partner took her life, incapable dealing with his near-fatal crash at #LeMans. #Trintignant came from a family obsessed with race car driving and was an avid amateur driver himself. His uncle, the #GrandPrix racer Maurice Trintignant, can be seen driving a #Maserati Tipo 151/1 during the race scene.
A deceptively simple #film by Claude Lelouch, with an equally breezy soundtrack by Francis Lai. This is Un homme et une femme (1966).
#film #AnoukAimée #JeanLouisTrintignant #ClaudeLelouch #FrancisLai #FilmMastodon #CineMastodon @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #internationalsportscarracingday #lemans #trintignant #grandprix #maserati #film #anoukaimee #jeanlouistrintignant #claudelelouch #francislai #filmmastodon #cinemastodon
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 18: Sports car racing on #InternationalSportsCarRacingDay
A man and a woman meet and fall in love. She, Anouk Aimée, still mourns the loss of her stuntman husband, while Jean-Louis Trintignant is alone since his partner took her life, incapable dealing with his near-fatal crash at #LeMans. #Trintignant came from a family obsessed with race car driving and was an avid amateur driver himself. His uncle the #GrandPrix racer Maurice Trintignant can be seen driving a #Maserati Tipo 151/1 during the race scene.
A deceptively simple #film by Claude Lelouch, with an equally breezy soundtrack by Francis Lai. This is Un homme et une femme (1966).
#film #AnoukAimée #JeanLouisTrintignant #ClaudeLelouch #FrancisLai #FilmMastodon #CineMastodon @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #internationalsportscarracingday #lemans #trintignant #grandprix #maserati #film #anoukaimee #jeanlouistrintignant #claudelelouch #francislai #filmmastodon #cinemastodon
1959 : sur la Chaîne #FranceIII #Nationale : une grande dramatique radiophonique (1h30) avec #AnnieGirardot & Jean-Louis #Trintignant
La #Chatte d'après le roman de #Colette
+ #JeMeSouviens de #LiliSiou
#Nuits de France Culture
#franceiii #nationale #AnnieGirardot #trintignant #chatte #colette #jemesouviens #lilisiou #nuits
The most memorable #film with Jean-Louis #Trintignant for me:
"The Secret" also, a #thriller from the 1970s around #surveillance and supposed #paranoia.
#film #trintignant #thriller #surveillance #paranoia
French #actor Jean-Louis #Trintignant has died.
I'm not a very big fan of him, but he is one of those who have shaped my image of #films, which I developed in the 1990s.
#actor #trintignant #films #rip
È morto Jean-Louis Trintignant, e un po’ son morto anch’io | Rolling Stone Italia #morto #jean-louis #trintignant #anchio #rolling #stone #italia #19giugno
#19giugno #italia #stone #rolling #anchio #trintignant #jean #morto
JEAN LOUIS TRINTIGNANT E L’ ARTE DEL COMMIATO - Articolo21 #jean #louis #trintignant #arte #commiato #articolo21 #18giugno
#18giugno #Articolo21 #commiato #arte #trintignant #louis #jean
Mon pote sur #Trintignant :
- Jamais, après la mort de sa fille, il n'est allé vendre son chagrin aux journaux de la Saloperie, aux rapaces des Chaînes de la Honte, aux radios et à cette presse-vampire qui n'attendaient que ça. Dignité d'un homme.
Un vrai acteur, pas comme celui qui nous sert de présipathe. Repose en paix Jean-Louis.
Paradoxal, touchant, ambigu : immense acteur, Jean-Louis #Trintignant n'est plus via
È morto Jean-Louis Trintignant - L`Irresponsabile #morto #jean-louis #trintignant #lirresponsabile #18giugno
#18giugno #lirresponsabile #trintignant #jean #morto
RT @IsolaTiberina: Hay ídolos que fueron antes de mis padres. Al irse, dejan una estela de familiaridad y misterio. Supongo que representan un vínculo.
RT @ricardotejada19: Muy buen artículo de #CarlosColón sobre ese actor sobresaliente que fue #Trintignant y que encarnó muchas de las páginas más bellas e intensas del cine francés y europeo de las últimas décadas. Junto con Gabin para mí las dos cumbres inigualables de la interpretación masculina.
se ne va a 91 anni jean-louis trintignant-il sorpasso,gassman terribile al volante,brigitte bardot - Media e Tv #jean-louis #trintignant-il #sorpassogassman #terribile #volantebrigitte #bardot #media #18giugno
#18giugno #media #Bardot #volantebrigitte #terribile #sorpassogassman #trintignant #jean
Enfant de Vaucluse, disciple de Vilar au Festival d’Avignon, Jean-Louis #Trintignant était une lumière du Sud. Fou de vitesse, il portait aussi en lui une douceur rare.
Avec sa voix inoubliable et son charme ravageur, il fut un acteur violoncelle et solaire. Salut l’artiste !
È morto l`attore francese Jean-Louis Trintignant: aveva 91 anni - Open #morto #lattore #francese #jean-louis #trintignant #open #17giugno
#17giugno #open #trintignant #jean #francese #lattore #morto