Amanda AF · @amandaaf
9 followers · 4 posts · Server


You may be interested to know the emotions linked to heartburn include:

You feel overwhelmed by your upbringing because negative and positive experiences took place simultaneously. (Fight, flight, freeze, fawn).

You were taught to live and cope with a lack of love and support as you would be punished if you asked for more than you were given. You were often made to feel guilty or ashamed whenever you expressed your needs.

If you are practising expressing them and are good at it now, and you have heartburn issues, you have an emotional component still needing to be healed as well as some food intolerance things too.

This is one thing we will be unravelling, the trio of health aspect to better outcomes with your trauma coping mechanisms.

☆ Amanda ☆

REF: Summarised from Metaphysical Anatomy Vol 1 by Evette Rose

#peoplepleasing #burnout #trioofhealth

Last updated 2 years ago