We did it. Completed our first Duathlon at Tri Santa Cruz coming in at 2:13:04. Did better than expected in the first run. Faster than expected in the bike. And ran low on energy half way through the last run. All in all it was fun.
Proves that we can achieve more than we might have thought when we set our minds to it and when we set reasonable expectations. Also good to have a support group in our Tri Club and a great wife.
#TriSantaCruz #Triathlon #Duathlon #Running #Biking #SantaCruz
#trisantacruz #Triathlon #duathlon #running #biking #santacruz
Tri Santa Cruz Race - 1 Day, 15 Hours, and 18 Minutes from now - Sunday August 6.
Kathy and I are doing this as a Duathlon which will be our first multi-sport race. Instead of the normal Triathlon of a swim, bike, and run, we're doing a run, bike, and run at the Sprint distance which is 3, 12, and 3 miles.
Also, this Sunday, race day, is our anniversary. Apparently this anniversary year gift is a Triathlon Race, kind of a neat gift to each other.
#Triathlon #Duathlon #TriSantaCruz #SantaCruz #Running #Biking
#Triathlon #duathlon #trisantacruz #santacruz #running #biking