What aspect of #trisomy21 underlies the brain disorders of #DownSyndrome? @byneuron @jenkins_paul &co show that the increased inhibitory #synapses in the #neocortex of Down syndrome mouse models is caused by raised levels of DSCAM. #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/43OjKfd
#plosbiology #neocortex #synapses #downsyndrome #trisomy21
What aspect of #trisomy21 underlies the brain disorders of #DownSyndrome? @byneuron @jenkins_paul &co show that the increased inhibitory #synapses in the #neocortex of Down syndrome mouse models is caused by raised levels of DSCAM. #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/43OjKfd
#plosbiology #neocortex #synapses #downsyndrome #trisomy21
What aspect of #trisomy21 underlies the brain disorders of #DownSyndrome? @byneuron @jenkins_paul &co show that the increased inhibitory #synapses in the #neocortex of Down syndrome mouse models is caused by raised levels of DSCAM. #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/43OjKfd
#plosbiology #neocortex #synapses #downsyndrome #trisomy21
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