Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Sex Writer and Pornographer Tristan Taormino Finally Feels Naked in Public With New Memoir #Jezebel #theultimateguidetoanalsexforwomen #pornographertristantaormino #feministpornography #tristantaormino #barbrastreisand #thereisonlynow #houseslippers #afewquestions #thomaspynchon #humaninterest #judygarland #tristan #maddy #matt #tom
#jezebel #theultimateguidetoanalsexforwomen #pornographertristantaormino #feministpornography #tristantaormino #barbrastreisand #thereisonlynow #houseslippers #afewquestions #ThomasPynchon #humaninterest #judygarland #tristan #maddy #matt #tom
Ooh, I've seen this pop up and quite like it! Here are #7Books to get to know me by:
1. The God Delusion - #RichardDawkins
2. Slaughterhouse 5 - #KurtVonnegut
3. Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
4. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - #DouglasAdams
5. The Gunslinger/Dark Tower series - #StephenKing
6. Opening Up - #TristanTaormino
7. Good Omens - #NeilGaiman #TerryPratchett
#terrypratchett #neilgaiman #tristantaormino #stephenking #douglasadams #kurtvonnegut #RichardDawkins #7books