Uusi #TuliJaSavu, teemaltaan #abstrakti, on ilmestynyt. Aivan upea numero, joka sisältää Päivi Mehtosen #CarlEinstein-käännöksiä ja muutakin dadaa, kuten oman #TristanTzara-kritiikkini. Hienoin lehti! Myös Aion-nalle arvostaa. #KirjaMastodon #runous #avantgarde #kirjallisuus
#tulijasavu #abstrakti #carleinstein #tristantzara #kirjamastodon #Runous #avantgarde #Kirjallisuus
Today in labor history April 28, 1896: Tristan Tzara was born. He was a Romanian-French poet, journalist, playwright, literary and art critic, film director. He co-founded the anti-establishment Dada movement. During Hitler’s rise to power, he participated in the anti-fascist movement and the French Communist Party. In 1934, Tzara organized a mock trial of Salvador Dalí because of his fawning over Hitler and Franco. The surrealists Andre Breton, Paul Éluard and René Crevel helped run the trial. In the 1940s, Tzara lived in Marseilles with a large group of anti-fascist artists and writers, under the protection of American diplomat Varian Fry. These included Victor Serge, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Andre Breton and Max Ernst. Later he joined the French Resistance, writing propaganda and running their pirate radio station. After the Liberation of Paris, he wrote for L'Éternelle Revue, a communist newspaper edited by Jean-Paul Sartre. Other contributors to the newspaper included Louis Aragon, Éluard, Jacques Prévert and Pablo Picasso.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #dada #TristanTzara #nazis #antifascist #poetry #literary #communism @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #dada #tristantzara #nazis #antifascist #poetry #literary #communism
Tristan Tzara: Pour faire un poème dadaïste, 1920 (with Florian Cramer's net project for the realization of such a poem. New URL: http://www.p0es1s.net/p0es1s/bio_d/cram3.htm). More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Conceptual Art and Software Art, chapter I.1. Internet: http://iasl.uni-muenchen.de/links/NAKSe.html #tristantzara #floriancramer #dada #dadaism #dadaart #dadaartist #dadartists #dadaartwork #dadaliterature #dadapoem #dadapoems #dadacollage #dadacollageart #dadamontage #dadamontages #dadaconcept
#dadaconcept #dadamontages #dadamontage #dadacollageart #dadacollage #dadapoems #dadapoem #dadaliterature #dadaartwork #dadartists #dadaartist #dadaart #dadaism #dada #FlorianCramer #tristantzara
"Das ist es ja, was das Heroische seiner Handlung noch steigert: Die Akte des Mutes, der Selbstentäußerung und einer hohen Moralität, die die Dadaisten begangen [...]"
letzter Satz aus "Dada siegt!" von #RichardHuelsenbeck #TristanTzara auf #isbnmaschine
#isbnmaschine #tristantzara #richardhuelsenbeck
Uusi kritiikki työn alla, vuorossa #TristanTzara ja Vingt-cing poèmes. #PalladiumBooks julkaisi ja #JanneSalo käänsi. Kirjanmerkkinä valokuva ja kohteena #IánnisXenákis. Stokastista dadaa tiedossa. #KirjaMastodon #runous #dada
#tristantzara #palladiumbooks #jannesalo #iannisxenakis #kirjamastodon #Runous #dada
"Dada hat keinen Anfang in dem Sinn, wie man beginnt ein Haus zu bauen oder ein Buch zu schreiben."
erster Satz aus "Dada siegt!" von #RichardHuelsenbeck #TristanTzara auf #isbnmaschine
#isbnmaschine #tristantzara #richardhuelsenbeck
Read the full article here: https://t.co/Y7htOQ0TnZ
#fashion #soniadelaunay #art #simultaneity #constantinbrancusi #lizicacodreanu #tristantzara #migration
#fashion #soniadelaunay #art #simultaneity #constantinbrancusi #lizicacodreanu #tristantzara #migration