The answer to the outstanding #NameThatCar challenge is a car that I like the look of, but have never really desired, despite owning its siblings! I would like to drive one sometime! The image with its odd vents made a few folks to think "rear-engined" whereas it is in fact Triumph's pocket homage to the E-Type, the #Triumph #GT6 MKIII. The vents are either cabin air or just decoration!
Well done if you got it right!
#namethatcar #triumph #gt6 #WeirdCarMastodon #triumphgt6 #classiccars #oldtimercars
Snow foam definitely feels like "cheat mode" when it comes to cleaning your car. It's far too much like fun to be a 'proper' chore.
#classiccar #triumph #triumphgt6 #gt6