#trivial : found anywhere; common
- French: trivial
- German: trivial
- Italian: triviale
- Portuguese: trivial
- Spanish: trivial
Fill in missing translations @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
Un Cop al Dia
La partida d'avui
8/10🏆 | 01:04 🕔
Un Cop Al Dia
> Joc de tipus trivial en català, deu preguntes al dia
#uncopaldia #trivial #joc #catala
Un Cop al Dia
La partida d'avui
9/10🏆 | 01:05 🕔
Un Cop Al Dia
> Joc de tipus trivial en català, deu preguntes al dia
#uncopaldia #trivial #catala #joc
Trivialanwendung: List
Es gibt einfache Anwendungen, die ihre Berechtigung haben und Freunde finden. Wo liegt die Grenze zum Trivialen?
#Trivial #ToDo #Listen #Aufgaben #Produktivität #Todo_Liste #Linux
#trivial #todo #listen #aufgaben #produktivitat #todo_liste #linux
"The ability to speak eloquently is not to be confused with having something to say." — Michael P. Hart — — — #MichaelPHart #quote #quotes #speak #eloquent #important #articulate #important #hesitant #trivial
#michaelphart #quote #quotes #speak #eloquent #important #articulate #hesitant #trivial
RT @MarineChastan@twitter.com
En 2018, et jusqu’à la veille de mon accouchement de ma fille Olive, tous mes déplacements étaient à #vélo:
- 💆🏻♀️moins fatiguant, pas le poids du ventre
- 💃🏼bonheur de prendre l’air et bouger si librement
- 💪🏻musculation du périnée #trivial https://twitter.com/20Minutes/status/1465355316724391941
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarineChastan/status/1465414536593387522
#trivial : found anywhere; common
- French: trivial
- German: trivial
- Italian: triviale
- Portuguese: trivial
- Spanish: trivial
Fill in missing translations @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
"Clarity about what matters provides clarity about what does not." — Cal Newport — — — #CalNewport #quote #quotes #important #trivial #clarity #significant #essential #insignificant #minor
#calnewport #quote #quotes #important #trivial #clarity #significant #essential #insignificant #minor
🇹🇴 El mundo ya está en 2023. #Tonga se acaba de convertir en el primer país en dar la bienvenida al #AñoNuevo.
Si te sale "¿Cuál es el primer país en cambiar de año?" en el #Trivial ya sabes que responder
Nota: Las Line Islands tienen la misma hora, pero pertenecen a #Kiribati 🇰🇮, por lo que no todo el país entra al mismo tiempo en 2023.
#tonga #anonuevo #trivial #kiribati
@futurebird yes! I studied theoretical math for my undergrad and got so discouraged.
There’s so much aweful language that’s built into math that makes people feel so insufficient.
I often got thrown off by subtle logical steps and so discouraged when it was explained as #trivial
@andrewblasco , yo dejarlo no, porque para el uso que le doy me sirve de sobras; pero quitar el juego de preguntas sobre libros me dolió bastante. :blobangery:
Me molaba eso de hacer el trivial de los libros leídos cuando terminaba uno. Era ya una tradición.
Four days ago I boosted a photo by @omi_geek with 門 on a signboard. Today I saw a print by Hiroshige titled 品川すさき which made me realize that the cursive forms of 門 and 川 can be quite similar (in this instance there’s no doubt, but some versions of 門 are even more like 川 as in the print). (Even) more trivially, for me a new word on the signboard 酒肆 shúshi https://takoboto.jp/?q=%E9%85%92%E8%82%86 #sinogram #writing #kanji #trivial comment but nice #photograph and #Japanese #ukiyoe #print
#trivial #photograph #sinogram #writing #kanji #ukiyoe #print #japanese
Four days ago I boosted a photo by @omi_geek with 門 on a signboard. Today I saw a print by Hiroshige titled 品川すさき which made me realize that the cursive forms of 門 and 川 can be quite similar (in this instance there’s no doubt, but some versions of 門 are even more like 川 as in the print). (Even) more trivially, for me a new word on the signboard 酒肆 shúshi https://takoboto.jp/?q=%E9%85%92%E8%82%86 #sinogram #writing #kanji #trivial comment but nice #photograph and #Japanese #ukiyoe #print
#trivial #photograph #sinogram #writing #kanji #ukiyoe #print #japanese
Four days ago I boosted a photo by @omi_geek with 門 on a signboard. Today I saw a print by Hiroshige titled 品川すさき which made me realize that the cursive forms of 門 and 川 can be quite similar (in this instance there’s no doubt, but some versions of 門 are even more like 川 as in the print). (Even) more trivially, for me an new word on the signboard 酒肆 shúshi https://takoboto.jp/?q=%E9%85%92%E8%82%86 #sinogram #writing #kanji #trivial comment but nice #photograph and #Japanese #ukiyoe #print
#sinogram #ukiyoe #writing #kanji #photograph #japanese #trivial #print
Four days ago I boosted a photo by @omi_geek with 門 on a signboard. Today I saw a print by Hiroshige titled 品川すさき which made me realize that the cursive forms of 門 and 川 can be quite similar (in this instance there’s no doubt, but some versions of 門 are even more like 川 as in the print). EVen more trivially, for me an new word on the signboard 酒肆 shúshi https://takoboto.jp/?q=%E9%85%92%E8%82%86 #sinogram #writing #kanji #trivial comment but nice #photograph and #Japanese #ukiyoe #print
#sinogram #print #writing #kanji #trivial #photograph #japanese #ukiyoe
Four days ago I boosted a photo by @omi_geek with 門 on a signboard. Today I saw a print by Hiroshige titled 品川すさき which made me realize that the cursive forms of 門 and 川 can be quite similar (in this instance there’s no doubt, but some versions of 門 are even more like 川 as in the print). EVen more trivially, for me an new word on the signboard 酒肆 shúshi https://takoboto.jp/?q=%E9%85%92%E8%82%86 #sinogram #writing #kanji #trivial comment
#sinogram #writing #kanji #trivial
Four days ago I boosted a photo by @omi_geek with 門 on a signboard. Today I saw a print by Hiroshige titled 品川すさき which made me realize that the cursive forms of 門 and 川 can be quite similar (in this instance there’s no doubt, but some versions of 門 are even more like 川 as in the print). EVen more trivially, for me an new word on the signboard 酒肆 shúshi https://takoboto.jp/?q=%E9%85%92%E8%82%86 #sinogram #writing #trivial comment
🎬 Hoy, leyendo sobre #cine, he aprendido que la primera película #china fue #Dingjun Mountain (#定军山), una grabación de una ópera de #Pekín de 1905 en la que la estrella de esta disciplina, Tan Xinpei, relata la batalla del Monte Dingjun (año 219), basándose en un relato del clásico de la literatura china "Romance de los Tres Reinos".
La única copia de la película, sin embargo, se perdió en un incendio en 1940.
🧀 Si incluyen la pregunta en la próxima edición del #Trivial, pues ya lo sabéis.
#cine #china #dingjun #定军山 #pekin #trivial
I think the lack of #variety is not always be a bad thing. It means things are done in a #consistent and #reliable manner. When you are #competent in something it becomes a simple nearly #trivial activity, a #routine done unconsciously freeing your consciousness for thinking about other more #complex things .
#Diversity is very useful when the system faces #unknown situations and must switch from normal #exploitation activities of acquiring resources for sustainable living to the #exploration of new “pastures” which consume those resources in the short term but may benefit in the long term.
How the system approaches a situation depends very much on how much #knowledge it has about the situation it is in and where this places it on the “#complexity plane”.😀
#competent #diversity #unknown #consistent #reliable #routine #complex #exploitation #exploration #knowledge #complexity #variety #trivial
Woke up early today, which is a bit of a waste since I have the day off and it's raining.* So I thought I'd try a poll. When did you wake for today?
Vote and boost and let's see how far this origami paper boat can go veggie it sinks!
*Which means I'm not getting up for fear the dog will demand a walk in the rain.