People who maintain #container images in (public) registries should consider using a vulnerability scanner like #trivy
I just scanned some of the containers I get from registries and the situation seems VERY bad. #security
💊Every treatment starts with accepting the diagnosis! Embrace the truth☝️
"You can be the next victim of the Software Supply Chain Attacks" UNLESS...
✍️Sign your software (#cosign)
🔔Do vulnerability scanning (#trivy #grype)
🚨 Protection at runtime (#kyverno #policycontroller)
#Cosign #trivy #grype #kyverno #policycontroller
Das folgende #tool richtet sich an alle, die mehr #Sicherheit für ihre #Software suchen. Mit #Trivy kann man sich auf die Suche nach #Sicherheitsproblemen in seinem #Code begeben. Praktisch ist es, #Git Repositorys auf solche Probleme scannen zu können um Sicherheitsprobleme bei verwendeter Software zu entdecken.
#security #toolsday #git #code #sicherheitsproblemen #trivy #software #sicherheit #tool
It was a full room today at our talk with @itaysk about vulnerability management with #trivy and #OCI at #KubeCon2023 #KubeConEU! Thanks to all who joined us!
#trivy #oci #kubecon2023 #kubeconeu
The demo was a bit too fast, I'll have to dig into the code
#trivy #regctl #oci #kubeconeu #kubecon
If you ever wonder how #Trivy and #Grype compare, #GitLab did a pretty nice point-in-time comparison:
#trivy #grype #gitlab #infosec #ContainerSecurity #vulnerabilityscanner
I saw now several talks about companies using #kyverno to restrict deployments made to production.
They only allow deployments where #trivy or other scanners report a certain low amount of vulnerabilities. Also #sboms are checked for existence. Sometimes even more restrictions apply.
How do these companies handle then third party #docker images needed ? For example some official Python images?
Having some kind of automatic mirror of requested applications to fetch them and build the needed things on their own systems ?
Just blocking and tell them “yeah please wait few days until we work on that ticket”
It seems I am confusing or missing something…
#Kyverno #trivy #SBOMs #docker
Anybody knows how to write a Trivy exception in Rego to suppress a specific CloudFormation rule for a specific resource? Kinda new at this.
Trivy users: if you’re suddenly seeing trivy timeout when scanning your containers, you’re probably scanning some Java files. is returning intermittent 504 errors which leads to trivy timeouts. Fix is to include the —offline-scans option in your trivy call. This will still download the trivy db but not go out to maven for Java files.
(In our case, I didn’t even think we were scanning Java but a Ruby gem had a jar file deep in its instant folder that trivy was scanning.)
Early Black Friday deal: #cdxgen (#CycloneDX Generator) 5.0.1 is out now with #SBoM support for:
✅ docker/OCI images with OS packages (Powered by #Trivy)
✅ Rust binary (Powered by Cargo Auditable)
#cdxgen #cyclonedx #SBOM #trivy
Let's learn more about how we can combine these two excellent projects @AquaSecTeam's #Trivy and @projectsigstore tools, to generate and sign #SBOMs 👇 Thanks to @itaysk for sharing such great details with us 🥳
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This morning starts with the same problem I had yesterday. A really weird error on #AWS trying to integrate #Trivy with #SecurityHub. According to the documentation it should be very simple -- and it is, except for this #IAM permissions error that is misleading, since I apparently have all possible permissions.
BTW — Is it weird that I feel happier when I spend time fixing technical problems instead of doing things that work first time? 😅
RT @techadvoguy
For those interested in @VMwareTanzu Application Platform (TAP), and custom integration capabilities around image & source code scanners, this is a must-read from the @VRAbbi_IL blog on how one could do this with #Trivy as an example:
Elasticsearch 8.5.0 est sortie hier, mais cependant restez attentifs. CVE-2020-9488 (log4j-core) + CVE-2021-45105 (log4j-api), et non présent sur la précédente version (8.4.3). Scan #trivy 👍