Playing Troika for the first time with the playgroup tonight. The quirks of the system originally put me off from playing it, but that was a long time ago.
I've since played and loved Into the Odd and Electric Bastionland. Troika's unique flavor of characters doesn't even phase me anymore.
Bring on the weird shit!
I'm working on a hexcrawl to go with my gnoll zine, Laughing with the Trouble. Should I:
#ttrpg #diyelfgame #hexcrawl #troika
68. #Troika (#MelsoniaArtsCouncil) We're still out in the desert dealing with rogue ancient technology which has forsaken its programming and now wants a very different lifestyle. Somehow we bring it round and then claim the reward from both parties with an interest in our mission. We're swimming in water!
#troika #melsoniaartscouncil #ttrpg #2023games
Alphabetically, the first Troika! Spell is AFFIX. This fixes someone in place; unchanging, immobile, and invulnerable. This makes it more versatile than D&D's Hold Person, as well as more sporting. I have a weakness for spells that feel like glitches. #ttrpg #troika
This was an easy METTLE conversion. Check MOTIVE vs. FRAME, success means they are affixed. Setting it vs. FRAME makes it harder to Affix larger things. This may not be important in raw Troika but I like it for the conversion.
@Marcel_Gehlen I feel you! Check out #shadowdark #MorkBorg #knave #cairn #troika for much less wordy #ttrpgs with a fantasy vibe that are pretty easy to learn and run.
#shadowdark #MorkBorg #Knave #cairn #troika #ttrpgs
Finally was able to print Fascination Street as a zine, and I love it. 2d6 backgrounds for #troika in lovely full color. Content warning is for the illustrated butt on the cover.
68. #Troika (#MelsoniaArtsCouncil) A new game this week as I get to play for a change. We intrepid explorers of the unknown set out across the desert to see what is messing with the drug trade. Almost lost a PC in the first skirmish, Troika is very unforgiving. But it's great gonzo fun generally as we cross the tropes and find mad solutions to crazy problems.
#troika #melsoniaartscouncil #ttrpg #2023games
Are you a fan of #FightingFantasy, #Troika, and similar games?
@seanfsmith has just launched the SKILL + STAM FAM JAM, a game design jam for Fighting Fantasy-descended RPGs: #ttrpg
#FightingFantasy #troika #ttrpg
The other zine is "Holobiont: Vol. 1," which I intended to make a volume 2 for, but didn't.
It contains lichenous backgrounds, items, and some plot hooks for #Troika. It is also more-than-human inspired!
One zine is "Laughing with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Hyenacene," a more-than-human set of six #gnoll backgrounds for #Troika. It was inspired by Donna Haraway and Ursula K. LeGuin.
It is creator day again so I put my two paid Troika! zines in a little 50% off bundle:
feeling like a Fellow of the Peerage of Porters and Basin Fillers with my big ol backpack for the week. my back hurts already.
So Troika weirdos, how do you handle the Brittle Twigs Spell? All the description says is that it breaks a foe's bone.
19. Favorite published adventure
I run a lot of small modules and of those The 7th Annual Conference of Alchemists, Apothecaries and Accountants is my favorite for #Troika
Full blown adventures I'm not sure, the games, and way, I run don't often lend to /adventures/
The abridged version of #OSE Winter's Daughter I ran was pretty cool but a bit rushed I need to run it with a bit more space, at least two sessions
Same goes for #DCC Sailors on the Starless Sea. Pretty great tho
#troika #ose #DCC #rpgaday2023
#CBRPNK just arrived!! (at my hometown 😭)
It's such a nice production I'm really looking forward to look at it myself
I'm just missing the #Troika softcover and then a whole year before having #Dolmenwood
This was a big year for my kickstarter backed stuff. #Frosthaven arrived a few months back, also at my home town so I haven't had a chance to check it, but I'm so excited. It's only one month to go and I'll have everything :3
#cbrpnk #troika #dolmenwood #Frosthaven #ttrpg
if you enjoy #troika and #fightingfantasy, you might share my love of damage charts. I wrote this little article about why I think they are better than damage rolls:
#troika #FightingFantasy #ttrpg #gamedesign
Hmm, should I run Troika or Tales of the Burned Stones next?
#Troika #TalesOfTheBurnedStones #TotBS #BreathlessRPG #LottaHashtagsBecauseIWantPeopleToWeighIn
#troika #talesoftheburnedstones #totbs #breathlessrpg #lottahashtagsbecauseiwantpeopletoweighin
#RPGaDay2023 #11 #pnpde
Eines der weirdesten Rollenspiele, die ich kenne, ist #Troika!
Das hat mich gelehrt, wie wichtig ein klares Ziel für die SCs ist. In diesem Fall: Wir wollten auf unser Hotelzimmer im obersten Stock. Einfach, nachvollziehbar, und ohne Option, auf halbem Weg umzudrehen. Denn wo sollten wir sonst hin, in dieser fremden Stadt?
Auf dem Weg nach oben begegneten uns die seltsamsten Hindernisse, z.B.: Der gigantische König der Schnecken, der im Treppenhaus feststeckte.