This #ClimateAction group is impressive, especially as they keep fighting despite the flood of #troller accounts after Musk's buyout.🥰
Their example of working within the rules to fight those who FLAUNT such, without succumbing to the hate and abuse they're constantly subjected to in the process, is inspiring!
#Socialmedia spaces CANNOT be surrendered to those who spread #hate, #racism, #misogyny and worse.
We can ALL help to push back daily, folks!🤨
#tntrollhunters #misogyny #Racism #hate #SocialMedia #troller #ClimateAction
This #ClimateAction group is impressive, especially as they keep fighting despite the flood of #troller accounts after Musk's buyout.🥰
Their example of working within the rules to fight those who FLAUNT such, without succumbing to the hate and abuse they're constantly subjected to in the process, is inspiring!
#Socialmedia spaces CANNOT be surrendered to those who spread #hate, #racism, #misogyny and worse.
We can ALL help to push back daily, folks!🤨
#tntrollhunters #misogyny #Racism #hate #SocialMedia #troller #ClimateAction
This #ClimateAction group is impressive, especially as they keep fighting despite the flood of #troller accounts after Musk's buyout.🥰
Their example of working within the rules to fight those who FLAUNT such, without succumbing to the hate and abuse they're constantly subjected to in the process, is inspiring!
#Socialmedia spaces CANNOT be surrendered to those who spread #hate, #racism, #misogyny and worse.
We can ALL help to push back daily, folks!🤨
#tntrollhunters #misogyny #Racism #hate #SocialMedia #troller #ClimateAction
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
🎵 Winter
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #troller
Gerade hat Georg Stefan #Troller seinen 101. Geburtstag gefeiert – Troller hat die Schoa knapp überlebt und ist dann als US-Soldat nach Europa zurückkehrt. Er ist für seine Art der Interviews berühmt geworden. Wer ihn nicht mehr kennt, hier eine Hommage
No public playlist but here is a selection of songs that all feel magickal to me. If that was their original intent I do not know but they all share a quality.
#Serpent-Peste #WilliamLacalmontie
*Caution this one has strobing
#trehasektori #annavonhausswolff #serpent #williamlacalmontie #troller #emmeya #halomanash
An example of #ClimateCrisis #trollnoise.🤨
This #troller #cherrypicked a HUGE timeframe to push #Disinformation on 'low #CO2 levels today' using a graph that ends in AD 0 (2000 years ago). Totally EXCLUDING modern warming and the fact that life today is FAR different!📈🤔
#climatecrisis #trollnoise #troller #cherrypicked #disinformation #co2
Indem ihr alles macht, was machbar ist, macht ihr am Ende die Welt kaputt.
101.: Georg Stefan #Troller *10.12.1921 Wien, Exil 1938 Paris, USA, als US-Soldat nach Europa, Studium, Journalist, Dok-Filmer, als Amerikaner in Paris lebend.