RT @BritWeatherSvs
Well & truly Trolled! 😉 #trollfromtrondheim
Excuse the terrible photo but it SNOWED in London and my subtropical self cannot stop freaking out! #trollfromtrondheim!
So cold last night that the #GrandCanal in #Monasterevin has frozen #TrollFromTrondheim
#GrandCanal #monasterevin #trollfromtrondheim
Thank fuk we don't read the papers or watch the telly, or we'd awe be under 2 foot oh snow in -10 as an Arctic blast and blizzard conditions batter Britain, as the Troll from Trondheim hits us
Although I did predict -10c this week somewhere in RURAL HIGHLAND Scotland (at NIGHT)
#Weather #WindyWilson #Snow #Scotland #Cold #Baltic #TrollFromTrondheim #DontBelieveTheHype #ItSellsNewspapers #ArcticBlast
#arcticblast #itsellsnewspapers #dontbelievethehype #trollfromtrondheim #baltic #cold #scotland #snow #windywilson #weather