This is finally starting to come together. Plotting this out has got us much closer to a Playtest.
#Dabo #PbtA #Fate #Risus #Munchkin #Fantasy #Anime #Adventure #DungeonDive #SpeedRun #Cliche #Trope #GameDesign #TTRPG #Playtest
#dabo #pbta #fate #risus #munchkin #fantasy #anime #adventure #DungeonDive #speedrun #cliche #trope #gamedesign #ttrpg #playtest
A character with this Role may not do well in the long term in a '#good guys' #campaign for taking the health of others for ones own benefit (even if given with consent) isn't logically that ethical. On the other hand a globe trotting morally ambiguous thriller campaign could well support a vampire and a character somewhere in their redemption arc is certainly a common enough #trope to be filled in a campaign, better for those #vampires that can gentle their inflicting of damage on others.
#good #campaign #trope #vampires
the pterosaur Tropeognathus evolved to feast on all the tropes seen in popular paleomedia.
Anyone remember Time Bandits an the chunk of baked pure evil in the toaster oven? What are your fave "ultimate evil" stories? Writers, what have you done with this trope?
#UltimateEbil #Horror #Paranormal #Trope #Evil #Reader #Readers #Discussion #WritersofMastodon #Writers #Authors #Writer #Author
#author #writer #authors #writers #writersofmastodon #discussion #readers #reader #evil #trope #paranormal #horror #ultimateebil
Robinson Crusoe and the politics of #individualism – a colonial adventure story.
"#Castaway stories are premised on the idea that the freedom of human beings is fundamentally as individuals. . .The achievement of human freedom for individuals can only be realised socially as the #freedom of all. Only then can we truly rescue Robinson from his island."
#RobinsonCrusoe #Island #Trope #Nature #ordeal #Colonial #Expansion #MutualRecognition #SelfSufficiency
#individualism #castaway #freedom #robinsoncrusoe #island #trope #nature #ordeal #colonial #expansion #mutualrecognition #selfsufficiency
#TheNightAgent on #Netflix is reasonably good mindless #entertainment with a complicated plot (suspend disbelief, all ye who venture here).
The ending betrays one by making them an eager part of tip of the spear for #US #imperialism, and another by reducing them from brilliant, ruthless, and efficient to misguided sycophant (with subtext #trope of #sexual #obsession).
Both felt forced.
Maybe our #government wanted changes to balance out the rest of the story, in exchange for access and info?
#Government #obsession #sexual #trope #imperialism #US #entertainment #Netflix #thenightagent
but also... I'm sensing a very bad trope beyond the manic pixie dream girl trope where just clueless guys chase women who have experienced more stuff than them.
#Transgender #trope #ManicPixieDreamGirl
There's this... is it a #trope? I'm not sure if tvtropes has an article for it, but I call it Second World Aversion. And I might have heard that somewhere before.
It's when a piece of media clearly is a high #fantasy story, but doesn't dare go all the way and establish itself as taking place on a different world. So you have a story with elves and orcs and magic and shit, and then it drops a connection to the real world.
There's Spain. Or England.
Did I find a #rightwing #trope #culturejamming in this product image for a #TV you're selling online?
#tv #culturejamming #trope #rightwing #bestbuy
Minimegademo (Lovebyte 2023) (Commodore 64) (C64) (256b Intro)
#256bIntro #C64 #Commodore #Commodore64 #Minimegademo #Trope
#trope #minimegademo #commodore64 #commodore #c64 #256bintro
Targets of #abuse are told to "let go, and let (insert #dogmatic #trope here) handle it".
THIS is what it means to give your #power away. THIS is what it means to consent to #abuse. THIS is what it means to choose passivity in place of walking in the power we were created to express. Propaganda says we can't" yet #DNA says #WeCan
Suppressing populations for walking in our God given rights, strength, courage while standing up to #Crimes against #humanity is the highest path anyone can take.
#abuse #dogmatic #trope #power #dna #wecan #crimes #humanity
Etude (Lovebyte 2023) (Commodore 64) (C64) (32b Intro)
#32bIntro #C64 #Commodore #Commodore64 #Etude #Trope
Etude by Trope is a 32b Intro released at 'Lovebyte 2023' for Commodore 64....
#trope #etude #commodore64 #commodore #c64 #32bintro
Just got a notification on one of the streaming services that “Maid in Manhattan” is available. As if I’d ever watch this. #trope #stereotype
One overlooked silver lining of the release and mass public awareness of #ChatGPT occurs to me: maybe we can finally discard that ridiculous #trope where some otherwise wildly advanced #AI can't quite seem to get the hang of #idioms, or #sarcasm, or whatever (e.g. #Data in #StarTrek)
#gpt #agi #computerscience #compsci #scifi #tv #startrek #data #sarcasm #idioms #ai #trope #chatgpt
#NativeAmerican #Comedian Calls Out Tired #StephenKing #Trope — "Dear Legendary #Horror Author Stephen King, instead of using #IndianBurialGrounds in your books, have you thought about using #EuropeanBurialGrounds?" #indigenous
#indigenous #europeanburialgrounds #indianburialgrounds #horror #trope #stephenking #comedian #nativeamerican
"An algorithm with the sole purpose of making us angry and bitter"
As something of a backgrounder, browse the #Twitch web site for a while and ponder why the vast majority of #Video #Games involve, if not demand, killing someone or some thing
The popular #Trope that #VideoGames are bad for kids is pretty cliche
But there's also hard degree of foundational reality to it
Let's face it: anger is arousal and is exciting, for some
#twitch #video #games #trope #videogames