Bodo Heye · @HeyeBodo
245 followers · 2311 posts · Server

@AetherEgo @Morgunin plopp…ich wurde herbei beschworen 😅 Ich denke nicht, dass die „typischen ttrpg Aspekte“ abdeckt. Es fokussiert total darauf, ein kollaboratives Dark Fantas und Horror-Rollenspiel (s. Exzerpt). Trophy Dark folgt auch einem „Play to Loose“-Design. Trophy Gold ergänzt diese Aspekte dann um Elemente und ist auch nicht mehr „Play to Lose“.

#trophydarkrpg #osr

Last updated 1 year ago

Morgunin · @Morgunin
206 followers · 4227 posts · Server

Ich habe letztens mal irgendwo (glaube bei Reddit) gelesen, dass bzw. entwickelt wurden, um ein anderes System für das Setting zu haben. Stimmt das? Hat das schon mal jemand getestet und wie gut funktioniert das?

#trophydarkrpg #TrophyGoldRPG #symbaroum #pnpde #trophyrpg #trophyblack #trophygold

Last updated 1 year ago

Bodo Heye · @HeyeBodo
232 followers · 1914 posts · Server

@Morgunin und gehören echt zu meinen absoluten Lieblingsspielen 🖤 Wenn man Dark Fantasy und Horror mag und nichts gegen Storygame Elemente hat, sind das echt Meilensteine.

#trophydarkrpg #TrophyGoldRPG

Last updated 2 years ago

Bodo Heye · @HeyeBodo
163 followers · 919 posts · Server

@AetherEgo systemwise, is a further development/hack of Graham Walmsley‘s seminal . I really enjoy the (implied) setting. In a way, Trophy Dark and Gold (which I like even more, since it is about desperate, not necessarily doomed adventurers), deliver, what promises. I reckon, you might also like the Trophy-related artwork: grounded and spooky, lightyears away from muscled superheroes and heroines spearing Godzilla-sized dragons ( 😜) 2/2

#trophydarkrpg #ttrpg #CthulhuDark #symbaroum #dnd5e

Last updated 2 years ago

Bodo Heye · @HeyeBodo
163 followers · 919 posts · Server

@AetherEgo my book just arrived 🖤. Compared to the SRD, the rules are laid out in more detailed. Had to play through one or two incursions (Scenarios) until it made click in my head. The incursions are very structured, since the players move through a series of themed phases called „rings“. But don‘t mistake this for railroading. The rings trigger the downwards spiral (play to lose), but don‘t tell you, what will happen. Players hold a significant amount of narrative control 1/2


Last updated 2 years ago

Kona Goodhart · @konahart
241 followers · 282 posts · Server

Ran the conclusion of a 2-part Gift of the Sea last night. The Tide Queen's greatest treasure was the Gleaming Cache, a star that boiled the ocean as it fell, before finally cooling and singing strange, unearthly songs beneath the waves.

One of our treasure hunters, finding that her body was transforming into an unweaving effigy, switched bodies with another treasure hunter who had grown gills and webbed fingers...

#TrophyDark #trophydarkrpg #trophyrpg #ttrpgs

Last updated 2 years ago

Kona Goodhart · @konahart
241 followers · 282 posts · Server

Ran the conclusion of a 2-part Gift of the Sea last night. The Queen of the Tides' greatest treasure was the Gleaming Cache, a star that boiled the ocean as it fell, before finally cooling and singing strange, unearthly songs beneath the waves.

One of our treasure hunters, finding that her body was transforming into an unweaving effigy, switched bodies with another treasure hunter who had grown gills and webbed fingers...

#TrophyDark #trophydarkrpg #trophyrpg #ttrpgs

Last updated 2 years ago

Kona Goodhart · @konahart
241 followers · 282 posts · Server

Ran the conclusion of a 2-part Gift of the Sea last night. The Queen of the Tides' greatest treasure was the Gleaming Cache, a star that boiled the ocean as it fell, before finally cooling and singing strange, unearthly songs beneath the waves.

One of our treasure hunters, finding that her body was transforming into an unweaving effigy, switched bodies with another treasure hunter who had grown gills and webbed fingers...

#TrophyDark #trophydarkrpg #trophyrpg #ttrpgs

Last updated 2 years ago

Bodo Heye · @HeyeBodo
149 followers · 805 posts · Server

just arrived 🫢
The books are so beautiful

#trophyrpg #trophyloom #trophydarkrpg #TrophyGoldRPG

Last updated 2 years ago

Bodo Heye · @HeyeBodo
149 followers · 793 posts · Server

9. Favorite for its writing: Two come to my mind:
1) The entirety of the (, , ).
Why? The books ooze athmosphere, but are at the same time extremely well-organized and accessible when it comes to the rules and all the moving bits of the game.
2) .
Why? I‘m fascinated by how the authors of the urtext merged the description of the rules and procedures of the game with the anticipated tone of the setting.

#ttrpg #ttrpgs #trophyrpg #TrophyGoldRPG #trophydarkrpg #trophyloom #apocalypseworld #PbtA

Last updated 2 years ago