The Pulitzer Center invites journalists reporting on #TropicalRainforests to apply for #grants ranging from $15,000 to $5,000. The grant will cover international travel costs associated with #reporting projects on tropical rainforests, with an emphasis on issues that have gone un- or under-reported in mainstream American news outlets. Proposed projects must include a credible plan for broad dissemination of the resulting work in media (print, online and/or broadcast).
#tropicalrainforests #grants #reporting
In #ecosystems "adapted to frequent or intense #wildfires, such as #boreal and #Mediterranean #forests, the growing occurrence of extreme wildfires has caused severe disruptions and hampered ecosystems’ natural #regeneration capacity [...] In the Russian Federation [...], the extent of forestland affected by wildfires increased over fivefold between 2001 and 2021" [3]
"Wildfires also increasingly occur where natural fire activity is rare, such as in #TropicalRainforests" [3]
#ecosystems #wildfires #boreal #mediterranean #forests #regeneration #tropicalrainforests #ClimateChange
In #ecosystems "adapted to frequent or intense #wildfires, such as boreal and #Mediterranean #forests, the growing occurrence of extreme wildfires has caused severe disruptions and hampered ecosystems’ natural #regeneration capacity" [3]
"In the Russian Federation [...], the extent of forestland affected by wildfires increased over fivefold between 2001 and 2021" [3]
"Wildfires also increasingly occur where natural fire activity is rare, such as in #TropicalRainforests" [3]
#ecosystems #wildfires #mediterranean #forests #regeneration #tropicalrainforests #ClimateChange