'Amnesty for Troubles-related crimes to become law – why many people in Northern Ireland oppose the bill' - The Conversation #Northern Ireland #Amnesty #Troubles https://theconversation.com/amnesty-for-troubles-related-crimes-to-become-law-why-many-people-in-northern-ireland-oppose-the-bill-213029
Watching "Once Upon a Time in Norther Ireland" ...glad we're at least bifurcated secularly and not religiously
#pbs #USA #democracy #troubles
A quotation from Johnson, Lyndon:
I once told Nixon that the Presidency is like being a jackass caught in a hail storm. You’ve got to just stand there and take it.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #endurance #presidency #troubles
Ley de Punto Final: los Comunes aprueban por la mínima (208 a 205) una ley que retira a los tribunales la potestad de investigar los delitos cometidos (sobre todo por las fuerzas de seguridad) en #Irlanda del Norte.
La ley no ha gustado a nadie (salvo a los veteranos) y el Gobierno de la República amenaza con llevar a Londres al TEDH por facilitar la impunidad en la violación de derechos humanos
#DDHH #ReinoUnido #Troubles #noticias https://www.irishtimes.com/world/uk/2023/09/06/northern-ireland-legacy-bill-to-become-law-after-final-westminster-vote/
#irlanda #ddhh #reinounido #troubles #noticias
Remembering Seamus Heaney: Nicholas Allen introduces a poem that brings us back to the dark days of the Troubles in Northern Ireland: Two Lorries (from The Spirit Level, Faber & Faber). #Heaney #SeamusHeaney #IrishPoetry #Troubles https://www.rte.ie/radio/lyricfm/clips/22293632/
#heaney #SeamusHeaney #irishpoetry #troubles
Thoroughly enjoying reading "Making Sense Of The Troubles" by David McKittrick and David McVea. It's making a very complicated subject accessible: https://bookwyrm.social/user/politicscurator
#Books #northernireland #troubles
»#Belfast Noir«: In Ihrem Debütroman »Übertretung« versucht Louise #Kennedy, 30 Jahre nordirische #Gewaltgeschichte im Sinne einer neuen Gemeinschaft jenseits des Dramas der politisch-konfessionellen Spaltung zu bewältigen.
#belfast #kennedy #gewaltgeschichte #nordirland #troubles #roman
A quarter of a century on - the worst of our multiple atrocities commemorated. Omagh bomb service 'testament to community spirit' 25 years on https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-66486029 #Omagh #Troubles
A quotation from Thomas a Kempis:
Times of trouble best discover the true worth of a man; they do not weaken him, but show his true nature.
[Quantas autem virtutes quisque fecerit, melius patet occasione adversitatis. Occasiones namque hominem fragilem non faciunt, sed qualis sit, ostendunt.]
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #adversity #challenge #character #proof #test #troubles #virtue #worth
#quote #quotes #quotation #adversity #challenge #character #proof #test #troubles #virtue #worth
Rencontre-débat participative : neurodiversité et sensorialité dans la ville à Ivry-sur-Seine
demain à 18h, Espace Gérard Philipe, Ivry-sur-Seine
https://www.agendamilitant.org/Rencontre-debat-participative-neurodiversite-et-sensorialite-dans-la-ville-a.html #Handicap #du #urbanisme #neurodiversité #troubles #neurodéveloppement #sensorialité #ville #inclusion
#handicap #du #urbanisme #neurodiversite #troubles #neurodeveloppement #sensorialite #ville #inclusion
Wagner PMC mercenaries enter Voronezh region without hindrance
At the same time, 180 Russian security forces from the garrison of the border checkpoint did not interfere with the mercenaries.
#Troubles #Russia #Wagner
Найманці з ПВК “Вагнер” безперешкодно зайшли у Во
Media : https://ukraine.osintukraine.com/media/2023-06-24/479979.jpg
Archive : https://ukraine.osintukraine.com/2023-06_41.html#479979
#UnitedKingdom: adopting the #NorthernIreland #Legacy Bill would violate the #UK’s international #humanrights obligations and undermine #justice for victims of the #Troubles, truth seeking and reconciliation. 👇
#troubles #Justice #HumanRights #UK #legacy #NorthernIreland #unitedkingdom
Zucht…wat moeten we hier mee. Een van onze katten heeft eerst op de schapenvacht op mijn stoel geplast (en niet zo n klein beetje hoor) en net op het kussen van de stoel ernaast. Het schapenvacht ligt er al jaren op. Ik heb het een dag buitengehangen en met een spray behandeld dat de geur opneemt en daarna sinasappelspray gespoten. Mijn man zegt dat hij steeds blijft flemen bij dat vacht. In het verleden heeft hij een paar keer geplast op twee sierkussens op de bank. #kat #cat #troubles
Just caught up with the final part of BBC’s extraordinary ‘Once Upon a Time in Northern Ireland’ - a series that avoids the details of #NorthernIreland politics to give space to the voice of the victims of the #Troubles. Highly recommended, whether you’re new to our squalid local conflict or like me nearly everything here provokes personal memories. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0ff7cg0
A quotation from Fields, W.C.:
When life hands you lemons, make whiskey sours.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #adaptation #alcohol #life #problems #resiliency #troubles #use
#quote #quotes #quotation #adaptation #alcohol #life #problems #resiliency #troubles #use
*Hopeland* is a #climate novel, and it's not McDonald's first. *Hearts, Hands and Voices* (published in the US as *The Broken Land*) is a climate novel (that also happens to be about the Irish #Troubles). So is his stunning debut, *Desolation Road*, which I picked up at a mall bookstore in 1988 and *lost my mind* over:
franceinfo ENQUÊTE. #Troubles de l'#apprentissage : quand des #enseignants se #moquent sur les réseaux sociaux des #eleves en https://www.francetvinfo.fr/societe/education/enquete-troubles-de-l-apprentissage-quand-des-enseignants-se-moquent-sur-les-reseaux-sociaux-des-eleves-en-difficulte_5794844.html
#eleves #moquent #enseignants #apprentissage #troubles
#FoxNews’s #legal #troubles related to the #2020 presidential election are far from over, despite its settlement with #DominionVotingSystems announced Tuesday afternoon, In February, a #NewYork #appealscourt ruled that a $2.7 billion defamation #lawsuit against Fox News by another voting systems company — #Smartmatic — was allowed to proceed.After Fox News’s settlement with Dominion was announced Tuesday, Smartmatic attorney J. Erik Connolly released a blistering statement. WaPo #FoxNewsLies
#foxnews #legal #troubles #dominionvotingsystems #newyork #appealscourt #lawsuit #smartmatic #foxnewslies
The political crisis manifesting itself in the Troubles originated in language - Marilynn Richtarik #NorthernIreland #Troubles #IrishLit
#northernireland #troubles #irishlit
Been on a deep dive watching documentaries on the #troubles in #Northern #Ireland over the last few months, and seeing things like the apparent close ties between the #ProudBoys and #police reminds me a lot of the #collusion between the police and #paramilitary groups there.
But maybe that's just me... 🤷🏽♂️
#paramilitary #collusion #police #proudboys #ireland #northern #troubles