The Tyee: Lonely City? Meet People Making Profound Connections (in Solutions) #gaming #tech #MayaPreshyonVancouverBlackLibrary #LittleMountainNeighbourhoodHouse #VancouverCommunityFridgeProject #CanadaCOVID-19response #TroutLakeFarmersMarket #SunWahCentreVancouver #DistroDiscofreestore #FacebookVancouver #CommercialDrive #CharlieHannah #GrandviewPark #Masks4EastVan #HoganAlley #mutualaid #TroutLake #VivianLy #WhatsApp
#Gaming #Tech #MayaPreshyonVancouverBlackLibrary #LittleMountainNeighbourhoodHouse #VancouverCommunityFridgeProject #CanadaCOVID #TroutLakeFarmersMarket #SunWahCentreVancouver #DistroDiscofreestore #FacebookVancouver #commercialdrive #CharlieHannah #GrandviewPark #Masks4EastVan #HoganAlley #mutualaid #troutlake #VivianLy #whatsapp
@stephenhui hi! I’m Rhiannon and I live in #EastVan with my husband, two kids, two cats, and elderly dog. Here’s a recent photo of one of my favourite regular hangout spots in the city, #TroutLake. I post about #climate #ActiveTransportation #PublicTransit #SocialJustice #Parenting and more. I’m an immigrant from the US.
#eastvan #troutlake #climate #activetransportation #publictransit #SocialJustice #parenting