Random Red Sector Inc logo sighting in Paris…
#amiga #demoscene #redsector #rsi #trsi
Make TRSI Great Again!
#TRSI #demoscene #Commodore #cbm #AMIGA #Retrogaming #retrocomputer #videogames #80s #90s #Geek
#trsi #demoscene #commodore #cbm #amiga #retrogaming #retrocomputer #videogames #80s #90s #geek
#C64 #rétrogaming #raycasting #trsi #demoscene
TRSI (no less) did the most insane thing ever done in computer history.
Releasing a good looking, well playable #Wolfenstein 3D clone on the VANILLA C64 homecomputer from 1982.
This makes games people thought to be amazing like Quake, Half Life 2, the Metro games and what not just look silly from a technical point of view.
Computer #programming probably cannot get more optimized, more insane, more better than this. Ever again.
Because the control panels of your washing machine or your kitchen stove are pretty sure about magnitudes faster and more capable for this than a bloody 8bit C64 with its 0.98 MHz [PAL] clock..
#Programming #wolfenstein #demoscene #trsi #raycasting #retrogaming #c64
📬 Hamster/TRSI berichtet im Podcast von den Ursprüngen der Crackerszene #Podcast #Hamster #HeinzWilliLietzow #TRSI #UnterdemRadar #WestpointBBS https://tarnkappe.info/intern/podcast/hamster-trsi-berichtet-im-podcast-von-den-urspruengen-der-crackerszene-215576.html
#WestpointBBS #unterdemradar #trsi #HeinzWilliLietzow #hamster #podcast
📬 Hamster/TRSI berichtet im Podcast von den Ursprüngen der Crackerszene #Intern #Podcast #Hamster #HeinzWilliLietzow #TRSI #UnterdemRadar #WestpointBBS https://tarnkappe.info/podcast/hamster-trsi-berichtet-im-podcast-von-den-urspruengen-der-crackerszene-215576.html
#WestpointBBS #unterdemradar #trsi #HeinzWilliLietzow #hamster #podcast #intern
📬TRSI – the 30-year anniversary of a legend📬 https://tarnkappe.info/trsi-the-30-year-anniversary-of-a-legend/ #CrackerJournal #JurassicPack #RedSector #English #Spotify #Tristar #Irata #Light #TRSI
#trsi #light #irata #tristar #spotify #english #RedSector #JurassicPack #CrackerJournal
📬Norby: a career with many different stations📬 https://tarnkappe.info/norby-a-career-with-many-different-stations/ #JurassicPack #Interviews #English #Norby #TRSI
#trsi #Norby #english #interviews #JurassicPack
📬TRSI - 30-jähriges Jubiläum einer echten Szene-Größe📬 https://tarnkappe.info/trsi-30-jaehriges-jubilaeum-einer-echten-szene-groesse/ #Hintergrundbericht #WickedSensation #RedSector #Spotter #Tristar #Irata #TRSI
#spotter #tristar #irata #trsi #RedSector #hintergrundbericht #WickedSensation