It's a tool of conservative #TRT, toxic racist theory.
@BlackMastodon @mekkaokereke
We need to start pinning some truth on the consertives of America.
We need to address #ToxicRacistTheory #TRT and the fact that it has become a platform of the #GOP.
When they say they're anti-woke, they're pro-TRT.
We need to press our representatives about how they will fight conservative Toxic Racist Theory and keep it out of our school textbooks.
Acne from #TRT is really getting me down. It didn't really start to pick up for me until I was about 5-6 months in. Hopefully it's just a phase. Maybe my dosages need some work
Katzenworld: Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 451) https://katzenworld.co.uk/2023/06/13/happy-trt-tummy-rub-tuesday-week-451/ #Cats #CatsOfMastodona #Katzenworld #Tummyrubtuesday ##katzenworld #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cats #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
#trt #cats #catsofmastodona #katzenworld #tummyrubtuesday #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
Just a TRT update. I’m using now 2 pumps of Testogel daily and this seems to be working. My testosterone levels are now back in the normal range (616 ng/dL).
Would be nice if my trans brothers and sisters had as easy gender affirming care as I can get as a cis male.
Katzenworld: Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 450) https://katzenworld.co.uk/2023/06/06/happy-trt-tummy-rub-tuesday-week-450/ #Cats #CatsOfMastodona #Katzenworld #Tummyrubtuesday ##katzenworld #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cats #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
#trt #cats #catsofmastodona #katzenworld #tummyrubtuesday #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
Engelsiz Sesler radyo programında, Türkiye’de görme engellilere yönelik sınav uygulamaları üzerine paylaşımda bulundum. Yayını verdiğim linkten dinleyebilirsiniz: https://emretasgin.com/engelsiz-sesler-radyo-programinda-turkiyede-gorme-engellilere-yonelik-sinav-uygulamalari-uzerine-paylasimda-bulundum/ #TRT #Sınav #MEB #ÖSYM #GörmeEngelli #Erişilebilir #Engelsiz #EngelsizSınav #YKS #LGS #Engel
#trt #sinav #meb #osym #gormeengelli #erisilebilir #engelsiz #engelsizsinav #yks #lgs #engel
Wenn man als #Antideutscher mal wieder kurz vor kompletter Resignation und letzter Stufe Depression steht, kann man noch immer sehr dankbar für die Analysen von Antiimps & Nationalisten sein. Das ist geradezu therapeutisch unterhaltsam.
#TRT #TRTDeutsch
#trtdeutsch #trt #antideutsche
Katzenworld: Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 449) https://katzenworld.co.uk/2023/05/30/happy-trt-tummy-rub-tuesday-week-449/ #Cats #CatsOfMastodona #Katzenworld #Tummyrubtuesday ##katzenworld #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cats #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
#trt #cats #catsofmastodona #katzenworld #tummyrubtuesday #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
Katzenworld: Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 448) https://katzenworld.co.uk/2023/05/23/happy-trt-tummy-rub-tuesday-week-448/ #Cats #CatsOfMastodona #Katzenworld #Tummyrubtuesday ##katzenworld #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cats #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
#trt #cats #catsofmastodona #katzenworld #tummyrubtuesday #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
RT @TuncayOezdamar
Erdoğan: 32 Stunden
Kılıçdaroğlu: 32 Minuten
Das sind die Sendezeiten, die der türkische Staatssender #TRT den beiden Kandidaten bei Wahlen im letzten Monat geschenkt hat.
Kılıçdaroğlu wird nicht einmal als „Kandidat“ bezeichnet.
Von einer Neutralität kann keine Rede sein.
Katzenworld: Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 445) https://katzenworld.co.uk/2023/05/02/happy-trt-tummy-rub-tuesday-week-445/ #Cats #CatsOfMastodona #Katzenworld #Tummyrubtuesday ##katzenworld #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cats #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
#trt #cats #catsofmastodona #katzenworld #tummyrubtuesday #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
TRT Radyo 1'de @MustafaEroglu76 tarafından sunulan Geleceğe Mektuplar adlı programın konuğu oldum. Körlerin bilgiye erişimd deneyimlerinden bahsettim. Yayını verdiğim bağlantıdan dinleyebilirsiniz. https://emretasgin.com/gelecege-mektuplar-adli-radyo-programinin-konugu-oldum/ #GeleceğeMektuplar #Radyo #TRT #Engelsiz #GörmeEngelli
#gelecegemektuplar #radyo #trt #engelsiz #gormeengelli
Katzenworld: Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 444) https://katzenworld.co.uk/2023/04/25/happy-trt-tummy-rub-tuesday-week-444/ #Cats #CatsOfMastodona #Katzenworld #Tummyrubtuesday ##katzenworld #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cats #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
#trt #cats #catsofmastodona #katzenworld #tummyrubtuesday #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
Katzenworld: Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 443) https://katzenworld.co.uk/2023/04/18/happy-trt-tummy-rub-tuesday-week-443/ #Cats #CatsOfMastodona #Katzenworld #Tummyrubtuesday ##katzenworld #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cats #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
#trt #cats #catsofmastodona #katzenworld #tummyrubtuesday #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
So my TRT dose has been increased to two pumps of testogel a day. I don’t know if that’s the reason, but I’ve felt in a much better mood (haven’t taken lexapro in a whole…) and it looks like my lifting recently is paying off way more than the previous 10 years of grinding.
#thirstTrap #muscle #muscleGrowth #gayMuscle #gay #gayFitness #bodybuilding #gayBodybuilder #trt #biceps #back #lats
#thirsttrap #muscle #musclegrowth #gaymuscle #gay #gayfitness #bodybuilding #GayBodyBuilder #trt #biceps #back #lats
Katzenworld: Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 442) https://katzenworld.co.uk/2023/03/21/happy-trt-tummy-rub-tuesday-week-442/ #Cats #CatsOfMastodona #Katzenworld #Tummyrubtuesday ##katzenworld #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cats #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
#trt #cats #catsofmastodona #katzenworld #tummyrubtuesday #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
Katzenworld: Happy #TRT – Tummy Rub Tuesday (Week 441) https://katzenworld.co.uk/2023/03/14/happy-trt-tummy-rub-tuesday-week-441/ #Cats #CatsOfMastodona #Katzenworld #Tummyrubtuesday ##katzenworld #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cats #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
#trt #cats #catsofmastodona #katzenworld #tummyrubtuesday #katzen #kawaii #funny #katze #cute #pets #cat #ねこ #猫
Made it through my first testosterone trough. Holy shit, that was rough. Last night, I just wanted to lie down and sleep for a week. Today, I got up and moving. I got my wife to work. I gave myself my shot. I made a grocery list. I wanted to hide in a cave for at least the rest of the day. I made it through a boring-ass rom-com, and forced myself to get up and actually DO the shopping. By the time I got home, the need to hide was lessening. By 7:30 or so, it was mostly gone. I was intensely unprepared for that level of bullshittery in my day. Here's hoping next week goes better, and at least now I know what to expect. #trans #trt #ftm