Freedom = Unity ❤️ Respect ✅ · @freeschool
153 followers · 3774 posts · Server


Canadians featuring themselves in posts try to push back against the demonization of those with different choices and opinions regarding the Covid Crisis.

Other posts similar or related:

Truckers For Freedom 2022 Convoy

How to deal with people who escalate physically and have little reasoning themselves?

No Agenda (Podcast Listen)
1422: Honk Honk

#trudeaumustgo #truckersforfreedom2022 #farmers #FarmersForFreedom2022 #protest #brace #dutch #canada #COVID #mandate #freedom #climate #climatechange

Last updated 2 years ago

Freedom = Unity ❤️ Respect ✅ · @freeschool
153 followers · 3774 posts · Server


"It's time for a repeat in Canada ... but this time not just truckers, although they should lead & bring up the rear ... but also TENS OF THOUSANDS of every day Canadians in cars, trucks, buses, you name it. Is your country worth saving? You better act soon."
- Twitter User via Nitter Filter

Something like this with cars, bikes, pedestrians etc:

#canada #COVID #mandate #freedom #protest #truckersforfreedom2022 #freedomconvoy22

Last updated 2 years ago

Freedom = Unity ❤️ Respect ✅ · @freeschool
153 followers · 3774 posts · Server

CALLING All Last Samurai's...
......or Masai people currently under attack and driven off lands
in Africa,
.........or Native Americans being reduced and driven off their lands,
in / America
...............or Farmers in Netherlands
.....................or ????????

I'm sure there are more groups that I can't think of now - which is just to represent something that is clear BUT BASICALLY:


#samurai #nativeamericans #framers #truckersforfreedom2022 #films #protest #natives

Last updated 2 years ago

Freedom = Unity ❤️ Respect ✅ · @freeschool
153 followers · 3774 posts · Server

Quotes + Video Summary... Financial War

"We need to bankrupt them. We need to make sure that they cannot pay their enforcers and cannot pay the bureaucrats."

More quotes below + Video Info:

"We need to internalise that democracy has failed. We will not vote our way out of this."

"Civil protesting and peaceful protesting does have some usefulness but as we have seen, the governments are willing to go all the way and crush us all as individuals. And I think as a society I think people are not willing to reciprocate in that respect."

"We need to bankrupt them. We need to make sure that they cannot pay their enforcers and cannot pay the bureaucrats."

"I think that we should be getting everybody that is involved in politics and that trying to make a change, an incremental change, to switch to the Bitcoin mindset"

"And I'm very happy that with the Truckers Movement - I hope we were able to send the message out to Freedom Fighters all over the world, Bitcoin is the only mechanism we have that is peaceful, so if you want to remain peaceful that is the only option"

- quotes by Francis Poulliot -

"We raised 25million dollars in 3 weeks... " (...that blew people's minds they could do that)

- BJ Dichter, Freedom Convoy Spokesperson

Video Info + Speakers below:
Wartime Bitcoin talk @ Bitcoin 2022 Conference - fePW13cq4eM

- Luke Rudkowski - YouTuber and Survivalist (Host)
- BJ Dichter - Freedom Convoy Spokesperson -
- Aleksander Svetski - Amber founder, Host of the Wake Up Podcast
- Francis Poulliot - Bull Bitcoin CEO / Co-Founder
Giacomo Zucco -> ZuxBux, CEO



#truckersforfreedom2022 #canada #bitcoin #cyberpunk #freeschool #quotes #banks #war #fiat #currency #finance #fascism

Last updated 2 years ago

Freedom = Unity ❤️ Respect ✅ · @freeschool
153 followers · 3774 posts · Server
Freedom = Unity ❤️ Respect ✅ · @freeschool
153 followers · 3774 posts · Server

So I want to apologise because the name or system Bitcoin (or whatever) can be a good/bad/mixed thing but 100% I like some of the educational messages which unites many things even as separate components (usually indicating it's well made)... this also includes growing people (growing educational thinking) which is in line with my main goals of getting people to realise some basic components needed in life and without them almost death or starvation...

I've put some picture attached to this message...


So even if it's only 'notions' of these 'Bitcoin' things and if aren't perfect (or whatever problem or misconception make it imperfect) still nothing is perfect and what has been achieved in 12+ years (and even last 1 year saving protest after protest and people in wars etc) is nothing short of amazing... AND BATTLE-TESTED.
There's real metric in that away from the main matrix!
... but yes I still leave thought it's not 100% and I'm not gagga for it... but sometimes <100% is enough maybe and the thinking gives good signal of that... (at least I'm getting used to this idea if results are consistent then it's good and governments that passive-aggressively attack, take oxygen out of rooms, leave people to freeze in -40 conditions, arrange for disable bank accounts of peaceful protests really deserve to go for all their immorality for simple peaceful stuff)

Some of the use-cases during war, and for holding value between people have been nothing short of BATTLE-tested vs. whole governments and have happened in real life just this yea and on-going...

SO is it just hype... all hype....?

AND THEN sometimes does hype matter if people unite with similar mentality...medium-long term? 12 years of botcoin people snowballing... and anyway all is going to hell pretty much fast, so no need speed it up but also feels we had 0 reply until bitcoin and were letting things go anyway due to the other teams speeding up without our checks...- FEEL FREE TO SAY WHAT ELSE YOU THINK IS HITTING HARD LIKE BITCOIN
....BUT NOT !)

Is there another bad trick in store for us later - possible by the roots might have been the purest in Bitcoin .... We all will learn again I'm sure but sticking to stuff not in man's control exactly 100% could be good when tested like this!
(feel free to answer!)

The main reason to post was NOTHING ELSE seems to have given the quality of education (judging on what I have seen from everyone non-bitcoin included)... some nice sentiments of what not to do (which is good) but not practical solutions unless it's software (mostly am writing this fast)... but also please send me anyone else that has seen such a crowd for this kind of specific education / message frequency or quality in basic text and picture, audio, just lots of things...

So I'm not all in, well I'm all-in life more than anything but maybe Bitcoin has displaced already the mainstream and can do more whether it's sea shells or whatever people believe in... which I personally think Bit and coin is misleading with but then as more of a store of value I can see it... and ANY real money will take energy to store (or make) so it can be better to 'waste' in electricity instead of physical coins IF... IF... government can't get their hands on it so much... which is worth it x10000% in many ways as it gets less hijacked (this is a very basic version and perhaps controversial thing and too short to mention more but just starting I think helps to explore money overall too which Bitcoin does naturally as many people don't know :( )

Even if it was the solution would you be too much in 'hating' mode to go for it with 2 hands and try or always pot-shot from distance?

I'm still on the learning journey so no apology for 'looking into Bitcoin' and to be honest if your advertising message / phrases / real-use cases were like Bitcoin crowd or their videos then also I would listen but nothing is as compelling for education, for replacing money though doesn't mean I don't listen or watch other stuff... all is needed

Lots of concrete things, transparent ideas and people checking at least....

Bitcoin's sub-points has BOOSTED learning and mentality and even THE practical hope (not just hope or staying in depression or waiting for the next corporate evil using our cry for their new plans)...

so for that I'm enjoying Bitcoin...
There are lots of pictures but these are my best attached (not pics of the speakers or talks, mostly the principles, sayings or component parts to what think works in general too or even separately to bitcoin)

For example the 'Self-fulfilling prophecy' in the picture... YES people can do that if they repeat bad or good enough...
Same as just being inside doom and gloom cycle this can be exactly with people hyping up something else and not remaining in crying mode,,, bitcoin or anything anyone believes in as something can be self-fulfilling by continuing that line... and with others could be also that way.. and in another respect like "fake it until you make it" also can have surprising effect as a lots of exceptions or nuances in +/- spectrum exists.

Generally for me, where believing in people is the road to success (and Bitcoiners are doing that tangibly...) then overall that is perhaps my ideal EVEN without money or Bitcoin actually, BUT WE MAYBE NEED a bridge to my 'goodwill for all' ideal by getting rid of (bankrupting) bastard governments spinning their own business and for then to go down in shoes sizes or 20 first for a small boot to have on our faces... (when we stop funding them)
So tactically when everyone else getting off money we can get on something else /// releasing next stages of life! Because until people need to change or have less fake money, likely chances are most won't (why do something you don't need to right now?)

Hasn't it been enough that support the wars and Governments with it?!

Anyway my best pictures so far filtered from this Mastodon account:

#bitcoin #truckersforfreedom2022 #banks

Last updated 2 years ago

Freedom = Unity ❤️ Respect ✅ · @freeschool
153 followers · 3774 posts · Server

How to deal with people who escalate physically and have little reasoning themselves?


#truckersforfreedom2022 #mandate #freedom #canada

Last updated 2 years ago

Against Censorship! · @ContraACensura
81 followers · 5524 posts · Server

David Knight:

We always knew the militarization of police was for THIS

Treating peaceful citizens as ISIS
whose only "crime" is protesting mandate to inject a novel substance into their bodies

#truckersforfreedom2022 #TrudeauDictatorshipMustGo #TrudeauTyranny

Last updated 3 years ago

Against Censorship! · @ContraACensura
83 followers · 5792 posts · Server

David Knight:

We always knew the militarization of police was for THIS

Treating peaceful citizens as ISIS
whose only "crime" is protesting mandate to inject a novel substance into their bodies

#truckersforfreedom2022 #TrudeauDictatorshipMustGo #TrudeauTyranny

Last updated 3 years ago

Against Censorship! · @ContraACensura
81 followers · 5524 posts · Server

@HealthRanger David Knight:

We always knew the militarization of police was for THIS

Treating peaceful citizens as ISIS
whose only "crime" is protesting mandate to inject a novel substance into their bodies

#truckersforfreedom2022 #TrudeauDictatorshipMustGo #TrudeauTyranny

Last updated 3 years ago

Against Censorship! · @ContraACensura
83 followers · 5792 posts · Server

@HealthRanger David Knight:

We always knew the militarization of police was for THIS

Treating peaceful citizens as ISIS
whose only "crime" is protesting mandate to inject a novel substance into their bodies

#truckersforfreedom2022 #TrudeauDictatorshipMustGo #TrudeauTyranny

Last updated 3 years ago

Against Censorship! · @ContraACensura
81 followers · 5524 posts · Server

David Knight:

We always knew the militarization of police was for THIS

Treating peaceful citizens as ISIS
whose only "crime" is protesting mandate to inject a novel substance into their bodies

#truckersforfreedom2022 #TrudeauDictatorshipMustGo #TrudeauTyranny

Last updated 3 years ago

Against Censorship! · @ContraACensura
83 followers · 5792 posts · Server

David Knight:

We always knew the militarization of police was for THIS

Treating peaceful citizens as ISIS
whose only "crime" is protesting mandate to inject a novel substance into their bodies

#truckersforfreedom2022 #TrudeauDictatorshipMustGo #TrudeauTyranny

Last updated 3 years ago

Freedom = Unity ❤️ Respect ✅ · @freeschool
153 followers · 3774 posts · Server


Simple message:

All Mandates for Must Be Removed about the

#truckersforfreedom2022 #canada #COVID #vaccines

Last updated 3 years ago

Freedom = Unity ❤️ Respect ✅ · @freeschool
153 followers · 3774 posts · Server

Happy to make a sign! Send me your text

Make nice signs... obvious and not so obvious in small / large contexts...

Create here...


Last updated 3 years ago

Moneycircus · @Moneycircus
16 followers · 134 posts · Server

’s and talk brought to you by the same people.
The in and the assault on and their property rights (physical, financial) is more threatening than the choreography abroad.

#truckersforfreedom2022 #truckers #ottawa #Putsch #war #ukraine #tyranny #canada

Last updated 3 years ago

· @Flomotion
182 followers · 1335 posts · Server

meet at and support them with love


Les vétérans se sont rendus à Ottawa pour rencontrer les camionneurs, leur serrer la main, les embrasser et leur dire merci.

#ottawa #armyveteran #truckersforfreedom2022

Last updated 3 years ago

· @Flomotion
182 followers · 1335 posts · Server

Protesters on horseback join the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa !


Des cowboy rejoigne les manifestants a !

#truckersforfreedom2022 #cowboyconvoy #ottawa

Last updated 3 years ago

ZGoldenReport · @ZGoldenReport
895 followers · 26247 posts · Server

For all the Truckers in Canada!
When the government sends a federal agent over to negotiate after you made it very clear the mandates have to go & they act like they have no clue what you want... it means your winning!

#truckersforfreedom2022 #HoldTheLineCanada

Last updated 3 years ago

· @Flomotion
182 followers · 1335 posts · Server

Operation decoy gas cans in progress !!!!!

#jerrycans #truckersforfreedom2022 #ottawa

Last updated 3 years ago