Soros, anti-Semitism, leftism, witch hunts and other conspiracy theories, there goes the new #truckFonaldDump campaign. Got this newsletter sent to my alter ego address, couldn't even remember subscribing to it.
This guy is dangerous.
Meanwhile in Washington, DC: Paula White, offiziell "Spiritual Advisor"(!) von #truckfonalddump im Weißen Haus(!) leitet eine Gebets-Session für dessen Wiederwahl und zur Ausrottung... dämonischer Horden:
Werden wir ihn so los? Komm Donniedonniedonnie, komm... schönes Leckerli, komm...
@hankg ...who's the rich kid of a dad who made his money owning emerald mines under #apartheid.
"The Star Trek utopia a rocket launch is supposed to presage reads more like another stumble toward the stark class divide of Blade Runner’s corporate-controlled hell."
Looks much closer to #truckfonalddump than #TonyStark.
#apartheid #truckfonalddump #tonystark
This has only just begun.
The city of #truckfonalddump, #wallstreet, #banksters and that lady who wants to be #potus because... well, maybe just because she had to endure her husband in that role (but then again, haven't we all?) - that city, THE CITY...
...has just seen the next step of #ourrevolution.
Congratulations to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & friends!
#medicareforall #collegeforall #justiceforall
#truckfonalddump #wallstreet #banksters #potus #ourrevolution #aoc #feelthebern #greennewdeal #collegeforall #justiceforall I always loved Erik Larsens work. He whacked Bush and even put #truckfonalddump on the cover - as an evil tyrant monster villain! Savage Dragon still is one of the coolest comic books around... now approaching issue #250 btw 😀
#truckfonalddump #comics #savagedragon
@rixx Naja gut, aber dann ranted #truckfonalddump am Ende auch noch hier rum... OMG, this will be impossible to unsee.
#Bernie2020 should run as an independent candidate. The movement is strong enough to lay the foundation for a 3 party system.
The obvious reason for resigning is, that after seeing #truckfonalddump yesterday, anyone's better than that psycho - even Biden.
However, that doesn't take into account how things came this far - #Corona / #COVID19 is a systemic failure. The system must change.
#bernie2020 #truckfonalddump #corona #COVID19 #collegeforall #medicareforall #jobsforall #justiceforall #feelthebern #aoc
In the presidential debate against #BernieSanders 2 weeks ago, #Biden came up with a cheap - and dumb - shot: "#Medicareforall didn't protect #Italy from #Corona".
Biden is so very wrong - #Medicareforall is the only reason #Italy is still standing *despite* of #COVID19.
Sorry folks, but #Biden is, like #Obama and #Clinton before him, just another #republicandressedupinblue. And #truckfonalddump will eat him for breakfast.
#berniesanders #biden #medicareforall #italy #corona #COVID19 #obama #clinton #republicandressedupinblue #truckfonalddump #bernie2020 #feelthebern #bernie #sanders Hmmm. Zuerst der #Fotzenfritz. Jetzt #Boristhebitch. Wenn auch noch #benitobolsonaro und #truckfonalddump positiv testen, wird es verdammt schwer, nicht für Team COVID19 zu rooten... *sigh*
#fotzenfritz #Boristhebitch #benitobolsonaro #truckfonalddump