@br00t4c I think that by this time we can just assume anything he says is a lie. #TruckFump #TuckFrump
Well, Fediverse, I'm off to bed. Try not to let anything bad happen to anyone. That doesn't have it coming. #TruckFump
This. Absolutely, THIS.
#Trump #TrumpIndictment #TrumpIndictments #Jan6Th #January6Th #Politics #USPolitics #Society #PublicPolicy #Rights #Constitution #Freedom #TruckFump
#truckfump #freedom #constitution #rights #publicpolicy #society #uspolitics #politics #January6th #Jan6th #trumpindictments #trumpindictment #trump
Seriously tempted to:
* Learn latin
* Buy a roman-style tunic/costume
* Buy an ENORMOUS red SPQR flag
So that I can stand on the opposite street corner when I see moronic deplorables waving their Trump flags and shout back at them in Latin praising the glory of Nero and the power of the Roman Empire.
Because satire.
Nachdem der orange Verrückte mit dem explodierten Hamster auf dem Kopf wieder auf der #birdsite reaktiviert wurde, habe ich meine Crossposts von dort abgeschaltet. Dafür habe ich meine Toots nach birdsite aktiviert. 😁
#elmofreedthebird #truckfump
#birdsite #elmofreedthebird #truckfump