RT @BodyForWife
Hi. Historian here. I see that a lot of people are using the hashtag #TrudeauIsTheNewHitler without sarcasm.
Hitler was directly responsible for the deaths of approximately 20 million people.
Please shut up, fuck off, then fuck off some more.
RT @onefallpaul@twitter.com
So. #TrudeauIsTheNewHitler is trending. and I want everyone to know. That if you use this hashtag. and you actually mean it.
A: You don't know history.
And B: You're a fucking disgrace.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/onefallpaul/status/1593955343390105600
#hashtags #TrudeauMustGoToJail
...and similes, are #trending on #Twitter.
#hashtags #trudeaumustgotojail #trudeauisthenewhitler #trending #twitter
RT @BADartXD@twitter.com
Being on Canadian Twitter is the weirdest thing in the world, because everything will be peaceful and p nice irl, but #TrudeauIsTheNewHitler and antivaxx shit is trending constantly. God, none of these idiots have even stood close to a real dictatorship. Chill out. Touch grass
#TrudeauIsTheNewHitler - Twitter Search / Twitter