Muskrat Falls – A Misguided Project Commission of Inquiry Respecting the Muskrat Falls Project [The Honourable Richard D. LeBlanc,Commissioner] 5 March 2020 Unacceptable Terms Of Reference: #NoClimateChangeContext #NoHistoricalColonialContext
#Government #CA #NL #CoverUp #StopEcocide #StopGenocide #CulturalGenocide #MethylMercuryPoisoningCountryFoods #MethaneDamGenerator #Deforestation #Flooding #UnsusustainableDevelopment #TrudeauLies #PeopleDie #UnfitForGovernment
#noclimatechangecontext #nohistoricalcolonialcontext #government #ca #nl #coverup #stopecocide #stopgenocide #culturalgenocide #methylmercurypoisoningcountryfoods #methanedamgenerator #deforestation #flooding #unsusustainabledevelopment #trudeaulies #peopledie #unfitforgovernment
we still have some holdouts.
He isn't trying to compose a nuanced description of the wide range of reasons as to why someone would refuse. He's putting the pressure on the holdouts, by making the landscape more toxic for them.
And good on him. Let the world see him for what he is.
By @stronglogicp
A politician's expertise is designing statements for particular outcomes
#Authoritarianism #covidism #trudeau #trudeauLies #POEC #POECommission #EmergenciesActInquiry #canpoli #
#canpoli #emergenciesactinquiry #poecommission #POEC #trudeaulies #trudeau #covidism #authoritarianism