Trudony (Trudy and Tony) from How I Met Your Mother is the sweetest ship. Obviously. 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋 #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Trudy #DanicaMcKellar #Tony #JasonJones
#himym #howimetyourmother #trudy #danicamckellar #tony #jasonjones
Jede Lamelle einzeln abwischen - call me Mrs. Monk. #Trudy
Nein, das sind nicht alle Jalousien. Ich habe sieben davon und acht Packungen Tücher. Tuch! Tuch! Tuch!
#Putzteufel #Frühjahrsputz #Putzen #Tuch
#trudy #putzteufel #fruhjahrsputz #Putzen #tuch
Trudy Proud (Commission) 💗:panties:
[Proud Family: Louder and Prouder] 🏘️
@CandyAss2020 - (Commissioner)
#Trudy #Trudy_Proud #milf #sexy #cute #BBC #thicc #feet #ebony #nude #bigboobs #femdom #domination #drshosho
#trudy #Trudy_Proud #milf #sexy #cute #bbc #thicc #feet #ebony #nude #bigboobs #femdom #domination #drshosho
Trudy Proud 💗:panties:
[Proud Family: Louder and Prouder] 🏘️
@CandyAss2020 - (Commissioner)
#Trudy #Trudy_Proud #milf #sexy #cute #BBC #thicc #feet #ebony #nude #bigboobs #femdom #domination #drshosho
#trudy #Trudy_Proud #milf #sexy #cute #bbc #thicc #feet #ebony #nude #bigboobs #femdom #domination #drshosho
Guten Morgen - Tässle Kaffee ☕️?
Als Religionswissenschaftler ist mensch immer im
Dienst! 😉✅
Habe am Wochenende mit meinem Jüngsten Avatar geschaut. Und dabei zusätzlich zu den vielen religiösen Bezügen des Films entdeckt, dass die Piloten und Heldin Trudy Chacon ein Kreuz-✝️-Symbol trägt, als sie vom „Märtyrertod“ spricht.
Das dann auch im Moment ihres Todes zu sehen ist.
#Avatar #Pandora #Film #Trudy #TrudyChacon #Religionen #Religionswissenschaft #Mitwelt
#avatar #pandora #film #trudy #trudychacon #religionen #Religionswissenschaft #Mitwelt
Back to hub's #RandomRock #RoadTrips #Rawk #RockAndRoll
#MoonUnitZappa #FrankZappa
Dick's Picks vol 3 "Eyes of the World" by #GratefulDead
a surprisingly catchy song by Charlie Daniels called "Trudy" that hubs used to hear him play at ___'s house in Nashville in the early 70s #Trudy #music
#music #trudy #america #thepolice #drdemento #aliciabridges #lynyrdskynyd #pearljam #defleppard #flattandscruggs #eltonjohn #rickdees #patbenatar #gratefuldead #CheapTrick #frankzappa #moonunitzappa #johnprine #rockandroll #rawk #roadtrips #randomrock
u already know wtf going on #noncon #theproudfamily #milf #trudy
#noncon #TheProudFamily #milf #trudy
Proud Wet T contest
#proudfamily #penny #pennyproud #trudy #Trudy_Proud #dijonay #dijonayjones #wettshirt #wettshirtcontest #girlsgonewild
#proudfamily #pennyproud #trudy #penny #Trudy_Proud #dijonay #dijonayjones #wettshirt #wettshirtcontest #girlsgonewild
I ported some of the #fractal formulas I use in #et to #fragmentarium, for faster rendering. Because of legacy baggage in the existing code of #FragM I started work on #trudy a new #glsl framework for 2D fragment #shaders within FragM.
Similar in spirit to #raymond (my physically inspired raytracer for FragM), only with the added complication of wanting to support double precision (#OpenGL 4) where available, while still working to some extent (without so deep zooms) on single precision float (OpenGL 3) if that is all the #GPU can do. Only single precision is implemented so far.
#fractal #et #fragmentarium #fragm #trudy #glsl #shaders #raymond #opengl #gpu