Liz Harrington is a #TrueBeliever.
Trump Spox: House Republicans Who Don't Vote To Defund Special Counsel Will Get Primaried Next Year - Joe.My.God.
A quotation from Pratchett, Terry:
The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to the presence of those who think they’ve found it.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #belief #certainty #conviction #truebeliever #truth #truth-seeking
#quote #quotes #quotation #belief #certainty #conviction #truebeliever #truth
A quotation from McLaughlin, Mignon:
Learn a little of anything, and you’re ready to proselytize.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #convert #ignorance #knowledge #learning #proselytization #truebeliever
#quote #quotes #quotation #convert #ignorance #knowledge #learning #proselytization #truebeliever
A quotation from Havel, Vaclav:
Those who have not lost the ability to recognize that which is laughable in themselves, or their own nothingness, are not arrogant, nor are they enemies of an Open Society. Its enemy is a person with a fiercely serious countenance and burning eyes.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #humility #humor #self-acceptance #self-importance #seriousness #truebeliever
#quote #quotes #quotation #humility #Humor #self #seriousness #truebeliever
She's a #TrueBeliever
The Sacred Lies of Virginia Thomas
A quotation from La Bruyere, Jean de:
Profound ignorance makes a man dogmatical; he who knows nothing thinks he can teach others what he just now has learned himself.
[C’est la profonde ignorance qui inspire le ton dogmatique. Celui qui ne sait rien croit enseigner aux autres ce qu’il vient d’apprendre lui-même.]
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #certainty #dogmatism #ignorance #knowledge #learning #truebeliever
#quote #quotes #quotation #certainty #dogmatism #ignorance #knowledge #learning #truebeliever
#StanLee would have been 100 today. 4 ways to celebrate:
1) Reading #AbrahamJosephineRiesman's book #TrueBeliever:
2) Listening to #TheBagelReport's interview with Riesman about that book:
3) Reading Roy Schwartz's piece in @theforward about Stan's Jewish identity:
4) Watching all of Stan's #MCU appearances and weaving them into one narrative #fanfiction.
#mcu #AbrahamJosephineRiesman #truebeliever #stanlee #TheBagelReport #fanfiction
Ich fand das erste Buch gut, aber das hier ist super.
#JackCarr #TrueBeliever #TerminalList #TheTerminalList #JamesReece
#JamesReece #theterminallist #TerminalList #truebeliever #jackcarr
Ich fand das erste Buch gut, aber das hier ist super.
#JackCarr #TrueBeliever #TerminalList #TheTerminalList #JamesReece
#JamesReece #theterminallist #TerminalList #truebeliever #jackcarr
A #truebeliever exudes the fruit of the #Spirit, says #PastorToddCoconato
#PastorToddCoconato #spirit #truebeliever