Split Enz - I Got You (1980)
#SplitEnz #IGotYou #TrueColours #NewZealand #TimFinn #NeilFinn
#NeilFinn #TimFinn #newzealand #truecolours #IGotYou #SplitEnz
Couldn't sleep. Thought I'd make this. (#InsomniaThoughts instead of #ShowerThoughts?)
#TrueColours #racism #RoyalFamily #RoyalFamilyisRacist #BritishMonarchy
#BritishMonarchy #royalfamilyisracist #royalfamily #racism #truecolours #showerthoughts #insomniathoughts
Couldn't sleep. Thought I'd make this. (#InsomniaThoughts instead of #ShowerThoughts?)
#TrueColours #racism #RoyalFamily #RoyalFamilyisRacist #BritishMonarchy
#BritishMonarchy #royalfamilyisracist #royalfamily #racism #truecolours #showerthoughts #insomniathoughts
#LifeIsStrange #TrueColours - The most emotionally strong game in the series. Great characters, beautiful graphics, wholesome writing. I loved almost everything about it and I hope this series isn’t done. 9/10 #gaming
#gaming #truecolours #lifeisstrange
Wow!! All the times Perez helped Max and that’s how Max responds! #truecolours #f1 #brazilgp