Cuando me senté a su lado sentí que me estaba equivocando, me dice.
Y sí. Ese caballero un tanto extraño de conversación instantánea resultó ser un profesor jubilado que dedica los trayectos en transporte público a capturar jovencites para hacerles un examen de cultura general a bocajarro.
"Me he paseado todas las playas examinando a los socorristas" le contó después.
Avisades quedáis.
In the sum total of all television shows and movies, 57% of all babies that need names end up being called Hope. And in the case of Madam President, also a dog. #truefacts #noevidence #trueanyway
#truefacts #noevidence #trueanyway
@lowqualityfacts they actually have 4! But when they grow up, 2 of them become their adult knees. #TrueFacts
The Indian Education system is the world's third-largest Higher Education System which comprises of more than 800 universities, 39,000 colleges and a capacity of enrolling more than 20 million students.
#Eudcation #india #educationsystem #amazing #amazingfacts #truefacts #DidYouKnow #amazingfact #proctur
#eudcation #india #educationsystem #amazing #amazingfacts #truefacts #didyouknow #amazingfact #proctur
A ver 'Europa Report' (Sebastián Cordero, 2013) com uma manta.
#PhilCollins is #StillTerrorising #MyAlbumArt...
I can #Confirm that #PhilCollins was NOT in #TheDisposableHeroesOfHiphoprisy...
#TrueFacts | #RedBeanBearSaysSo
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 💿🦹💽🐻💽🦹💿
#nope #it #nogood #philcollins #stillterrorising #myalbumart #confirm #thedisposableheroesofhiphoprisy #truefacts #redbeanbearsaysso
Most folks forget that Boots Randolph’s Yackety Sax was considered a serious jazz piece until that Benny Hill co-opted it for his crude comedy sex show. #truefacts
Rutger Hauer made up every line he ever said in every movie he ever appeared in, plus a handful he didn’t. #truefacts
Steven Soderbergh’s first film was shot entirely on his flip phone. #truefacts
Most people know that Jean-Claude Van Damme was supposed to be The Predator before he got fired, but everyone forgets that Eric Stoltz was the original original Predator but he departed because of creative differences. #truefacts
As far as I'm #Aware...
Ours is #TheOnlyInstance to have #Moderation undertaken by a #TimeTravellingAssassin...
#We're #BeingSingular and #Unique
#IT's #SoLovely #BeingSingular and #Unique...
"#BeingRight is #SuperAwesome"
#TrueFacts on a #TrueTrueTuesday
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🪐🦹🚀🦄🚀🦹🪐
#aware #theonlyinstance #moderation #timetravellingassassin #we #beingsingular #unique #it #solovely #beingright #superawesome #truefacts #truetruetuesday #yourewelcome
@paul Stop using facts. #truefacts are only what's posted on Twitter via the Chief Twit.
@monorail A furry, not to be confused with a McFlurry or a McFurry, is a magically delicious creature that sprinkles rainbow-colored fur dust everywhere it goes, spreading joy, glitter, and an inexplicable craving for cheeseburgers. #truefacts
“#SymSat Satellite Statistical Bureau in Strasbourg ” is a mouthful. Most fans just call it the “Rekord Strass”
#ILikeToWatch #TrueFacts
#truefacts #iliketowatch #symsat
@gamemagprintads If you shake the cartridge you can actually hear the CD pieces rattle.
Just remember:
In another dimension somewhere, somewhen ...
You are totally a fascist!
I've seen the #movies. In another dimension, you're a fascist.
There are no calories in broken biscuits.