Ken Coar · @KenCoar
22 followers · 103 posts · Server

Thanks! That was very informative!

I'm still puzzled about why the error would go away just by un/replugging the cable between the and the switch, though. It sounds as though it should be a persistent error. (Which in fact it was when I tried to replace the cable between the and the switch.. maybe I should have tried the one between the switch and the Roku. 🤔)

#bravia #sony #truematrix #roku #HDMI #HDCP

Last updated 2 years ago

Ken Coar · @KenCoar
22 followers · 103 posts · Server

Throwing this out to the -verse..

Why the flying moose ears does my Express 2 keep gritching about an error every time it powers up? And not immediately, either; usually only after I connect to a service.

Unplugging the cable from the Roku and plugging it back in solves the problem -- until the next time.

It plugs into an input on a 4×2 HDMI switch, the output of which goes to a .

And changing the Roku-to-switch cable just made it worse.☹️

#bravia #sony #truematrix #HDMI #HDCP #roku #mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago