Uh-oh. My #freenas ( #truenas) box (ancient HP Microserver with 2 x 2TB spinning disks) just sent me this alert: “Pool NAS state is ONLINE: One or more devices has experienced an unrecoverable error. An attempt was made to correct the error. Applications are unaffected..”
Sounds like disk failure in the RAID pool. Never tried to replace one before. Welp. Any tips?
Anyone know when there will be a #truenas Core update to move it to FreeBSD 13.2 underneath? 13.1 is apparently EOL, so there are no more packages for it.
I guess I'm moving off the old #homelab faster than I thought. So much for weekend plans. 😿
If anyone wants to offer advice, the setup is #democratic-csi #iscsi to #truenas (mostly xfs, a mistake I've corrected moving forward.)
The old cluster has decided to just ignore PVCs. The replacement cluster uses the same credentials (shh) but a different path and prefix and it is still working fine. I've tried restarting associated controllers/ds, even bounced the bad cluster and updated the NAS, which entailed bouncing both clusters.
Nothing in the logs, and there are no recent related updates. Both clusters are driven off largely shared/identical code, with minor furniture rearranging.
#homelab #democratic #iscsi #truenas #k8s #kubernetes #raspberrypi #k3s
Así va quedando esta cosa. Solo me falta la tarjeta gráfica para instalar el sistema operativo y poder echarlo a andar.
Starting a #homelab in my new place in #Spain, thinking I'm gonna start with a #ZimaBoard with 2x #4TB HDD/SSD connected to it and running #TrueNAS on it. Has anyone run anything like that and can give me do's and don'ts?
I'm going to use my army of RPI machines to do other things as well. I'd prefer to run low-wattage computers at the moment.
#homelab #spain #ZimaBoard #4tb #truenas
Les presento mi próximo proyecto ñoño: Armar un NAS
Voy a remplazar un Qnap de 2 discos por un sistema armado con 4 discos. Ya tengo el gabinete, fuente de poder, procesador, RAM, SSD (Reciclada de la que cambié en el laptop) y los discos duros los reutilizo del Qnap. Solo falta que me llegue la placa madre.
Voy a utilizar TrueNAS SCALE como sistema operativo.
Liebe #ITBubble und #Selfhosters: Wie macht ihr das? Einfach #TrueNASSCALE und dann dort die #VMs und #Docker Images (#Nextcloud) laufen lassen oder lieber #Proxmox und dann #TrueNas mit PCI-Passthrough laufen lassen? Bei mir läuft die erste Option seit einem Jahr und bin semi-zufrieden. Würde gerne zur Proxmox Variante wechseln, weiß aber, dass das von TrueNAS nicht offiziell unterstützt wird. #itsupport
#ITBubble #selfhosters #TrueNASSCALE #vms #docker #nextcloud #proxmox #truenas #itsupport
E eu que descobri agora que o TrueNAS Core não enxerga um pool criado no TrueNAS Scale? Tive que subir uma VM nova do Scale, montar o Core via SAMBA pra copiar/sincronizar os arquivos, puxa vida
Nextcloud + TrueNAS SCALE = ❤️
Lawrence Systems shares a lovely guide on installing Nextcloud via #TrueNAS SCALE
Anyone have suggestions for a small #server for #TrueNas? Trying to replace a "got-for-free" powerhungry beast:
1) 10Gbit (sfp preferred, RJ45 OK)
2) max depth 15", preferred 10"
3) AM4 socket, or embedded cpu ok. Minimum single core passmark of 1500. I'm fine with any socket going back to even haswell.
4) 1 slot w/riser x8 or x16.
5) Used definitely OK!
6) ddr3/ddr4 (preferred). Ecc support required.
7) onboard video preferred.
Price??? I would like to keep it under $500 USD if possible. I can bring my own cpu, video card, sfps, storage controller...
Ran into an odd situation on #Proxmox with NFS. I'm running #TrueNAS Core in a VM on it with the physical disks in the #ZFS pool handed directly to it. But I also wanted to use a subpool for storage in Nextcloud, so #Nextcloud and other storage usage can all take part in the 8TB total pool.
Can't mount NFS in the Nextcloud #LXC container since I run it unprivileged and refuse to run it privileged. So instead: #bindmounts from the host! Easy solution, except... I need those NFS mounts to mount when the VM's booted enough.
Copied the default hookscript and modified it to, after starting VM, wait a few seconds, and then try mounting one of the NFS shares to the host. If successful, it mounts the others, and then starts Nextcloud's container. Otherwise, it retries.
Works like a charm! Now if Proxmox shuts down because of a power outage (which has happened multiple times recently) it'll bring the apps back up properly without weird out-of-order nonsense!
#proxmox #truenas #zfs #nextcloud #lxc #bindmounts
As a stan of the IBM Plex family of fonts, I just noticed that the web interface for #TrueNAS SCALE (and most likely CORE) uses IBM Plex Sans for `--font-family-body`
I added a new item under the "Setting Up Storage Pools, Datasets, and Pools" section:
One configuration setting I would highly recommend you look into is changing the "ACL Type" set for the datasets that be used for SMB shares from `POSIX` to `SMB/NFSv4`. The setting is hidden under the dataset's "Advanced Options". This can resolve an issue where browsing directories in SMB shares in Windows takes much longer than expected.
I've written up a short (not really) post about my experience of setting up a #TrueNAS Mini X+ and using SCALE as my primary home NAS.
Blog Post: Homelab Upgrade: TrueNAS Mini X+
wOO! there is a TrueNAS update - 13.0-U5.3
Hopefully it doesn't bork everything up!
#marimoko #truenas #linux #bsd #opensource #update #software #nas #backup
#marimoko #truenas #linux #bsd #opensource #update #software #nas #backup