Having a #Primeday without Amazon.
#minipainting #tabletop #truewip #paintingminis #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #gamesworkshop #miniature #tabletopgames #warhammercommunity #ageofsigmar #kruleboyz
#kruleboyz #ageofsigmar #warhammercommunity #tabletopgames #miniature #gamesworkshop #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer #paintingminis #truewip #tabletop #minipainting #PrimeDay
This team is finally ready to hit the field! Now I just need to finish their opponents.
#minipainting #tabletop #truewip #paintingminis #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #gamesworkshop #miniature #tabletopgames #bloodbowl #blitzbowl #warhammercommunity
#warhammercommunity #blitzbowl #bloodbowl #tabletopgames #miniature #gamesworkshop #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer #paintingminis #truewip #tabletop #minipainting
Haven't gotten a lot of work done on minis lately. Been making props for my kiddo's school play. There's also an oversized set of keys that I didn't get photos of before sending off to the school.
#minipainting #tabletop #truewip #paintingminis #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #gamesworkshop #miniature #tabletopgames #warhammercommunity
#warhammercommunity #tabletopgames #miniature #gamesworkshop #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer #paintingminis #truewip #tabletop #minipainting
These guys are inching closer to completion. Not entirely for reasons of laziness. I spent about a week of my free time troubleshooting and fixing my FDM printer. #minipainting #tabletop #truewip #paintingminis #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #gamesworkshop #miniature #tabletopgames #bloodbowl #blitzbowl #warhammercommunity
#warhammercommunity #blitzbowl #bloodbowl #tabletopgames #miniature #gamesworkshop #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer #paintingminis #truewip #tabletop #minipainting
A fun little May the fourth project.
#minipainting #tabletop #truewip #paintingminis #paintingminiatures #miniature #tabletopgames #starwars #starwarslegion #bobafett #maythe4th #starwarsday #maythefourth #maythefourthbewithyou #AtomicMassGames
#AtomicMassGames #MayTheFourthBeWithYou #maythefourth #StarWarsDay #MayThe4th #bobafett #StarWarsLegion #StarWars #tabletopgames #miniature #paintingminiatures #paintingminis #truewip #tabletop #minipainting
Breaking my too busy/lazy streak to get some more paint on these. Ignore the random bits of orange or yellow, it's just easier to get tmm coverage over those instead of white. #minipainting #tabletop #warhammercommunity #truewip #paintingminis #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #gamesworkshop #miniature #tabletopgames #bloodbowl #blitzbowl #warhammer
#warhammer #blitzbowl #bloodbowl #tabletopgames #miniature #gamesworkshop #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer #paintingminis #truewip #warhammercommunity #tabletop #minipainting
I got zero work on these done at Adepticon due to overestimating both my energy levels and free time. But I'm back at it after getting a bunch of gaming in. These are the first GW minis I bought and assembled and have been sitting in the box since then. Excited to get these painted while I take a break from armies. #minipainting #tabletop #warhammercommunity #truewip #paintingminis #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #gamesworkshop #miniature #tabletopgames #bloodbowl #blitzbowl #warhammer
#warhammer #blitzbowl #bloodbowl #tabletopgames #miniature #gamesworkshop #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer #paintingminis #truewip #warhammercommunity #tabletop #minipainting
Well I got zero work on these done at Adepticon due to overestimating both my energy levels and free time. But I'm back at it after getting a bunch of gaming and socializing in. #minipainting #tabletop #warhammercommunity #truewip #paintingminis #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #gamesworkshop #miniature #tabletopgames #bloodbowl #blitzbowl #warhammer
#warhammer #blitzbowl #bloodbowl #tabletopgames #miniature #gamesworkshop #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer #paintingminis #truewip #warhammercommunity #tabletop #minipainting
Got two Blitzbowl teams from Season 2 primed and ready to paint for when I want to kill time at Ft. Wappel. #minipainting #tabletop #warhammercommunity #truewip #adepticon2023 #paintingminis #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #gamesworkshop #miniature #tabletopgames #bloodbowl #blitzbowl #warhammer
#warhammer #blitzbowl #bloodbowl #tabletopgames #miniature #gamesworkshop #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer #paintingminis #adepticon2023 #truewip #warhammercommunity #tabletop #minipainting
As the Kruleboyz advance onto the Ghurish wastelands, so too does their swampy home. This is as ready as this is getting before Adepticon. My first ever army board and attempt at terrain this big. #ageofsigmar #kruleboyz #warhammer #minipainting #tabletop #warhammercommunity #truewip #adepticon2023 #paintingminis #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #gamesworkshop #terrain #terrainbuilding #miniature #tabletopgames
#tabletopgames #miniature #terrainbuilding #terrain #gamesworkshop #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer #paintingminis #adepticon2023 #truewip #warhammercommunity #tabletop #minipainting #warhammer #kruleboyz #ageofsigmar
Still in the early stages of my army board for Adepticon. Going for a lore inspired Kruleboyz swamp spreading onto the Ghurish wastelands as they advance. #ageofsigmar #kruleboyz #warhammer #minipainting #tabletop #warhammercommunity #truewip #adepticon2023 #paintingminis #paintingwarhammer #paintingminiatures #gamesworkshop #terrain #terrainbuilding #miniature #tabletopgames
#tabletopgames #miniature #terrainbuilding #terrain #gamesworkshop #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer #paintingminis #adepticon2023 #truewip #warhammercommunity #tabletop #minipainting #warhammer #kruleboyz #ageofsigmar
The beginning of my army board for the Dawnbringer tournament at Adepticon. I am very happy with how the wet mud effect turned out. Usually I used Vallejo Thick Mud for my Kruleboyz bases but that's too expensive at this size. This is just some cheap acrylic modeling paste from Michael's and some brown Stynilrez primer with a bit of gloss varnish mixed in to keep that glossy wet look. #ageofsigmar #kruleboyz #warhammer #minipainting #tabletop #warhammercommunity #truewip #adepticon2023
#adepticon2023 #truewip #warhammercommunity #tabletop #minipainting #warhammer #kruleboyz #ageofsigmar
10 more Gutrippaz and 3 Boltboyz finished. That's everything I need to put on the table at Adepticon. I'd like to get the banners on them before then but I have a list of other stuff I still want to get done before then. #ageofsigmar #kruleboyz #warhammer #minipainting #tabletop #warhammercommunity #truewip #adepticon2023
#adepticon2023 #truewip #warhammercommunity #tabletop #minipainting #warhammer #kruleboyz #ageofsigmar
Kitbashing some banners because there's no Gutrippaz bannermen in the Dominion box. A mix of leftover bits and a 3D printed banner. #ageofsigmar #kruleboyz #warhammer #minipainting #tabletop #warhammercommunity #truewip #adepticon2023
#adepticon2023 #truewip #warhammercommunity #tabletop #minipainting #warhammer #kruleboyz #ageofsigmar
Batch painting these guys isn't as exciting as doing a big model but I want to get these Gutrippaz with Stikkaz done before Adepticon so my list is WYSIWYG compliant and the Boltboyz are along for the ride since the scheme is the same. #ageofsigmar #kruleboyz #warhammer #minipainting #tabletop #warhammercommunity #truewip #adepticon2023
#adepticon2023 #truewip #warhammercommunity #tabletop #minipainting #warhammer #kruleboyz #ageofsigmar
My first attempt at magnetizing a kit seems to have worked out well. Swampboss Skumdrekk and Snatchaboss on Sludgeraker Beast. #ageofsigmar #kruleboyz #warhammer #minipainting #tabletop #warhammercommunity #truewip #adepticon2023
#adepticon2023 #truewip #warhammercommunity #tabletop #minipainting #warhammer #kruleboyz #ageofsigmar
Alright, I'm calling this guy done. He's ready for the table at Adepticon.
#ageofsigmar #kruleboyz #warhammer #minipainting #tabletop #warhammercommunity #truewip #adepticon2023
#adepticon2023 #truewip #warhammercommunity #tabletop #minipainting #warhammer #kruleboyz #ageofsigmar
Taking a bit of a break from the Trogoth to base coat these Gutrippaz and Bolt Boyz in a batch. Got some mud down on his base though. #ageofsigmar #kruleboyz #warhammer #minipainting #tabletop #warhammercommunity #truewip #adepticon2023
#adepticon2023 #truewip #warhammercommunity #tabletop #minipainting #warhammer #kruleboyz #ageofsigmar
Taking a bit of a break from the Trogoth to base coat these Gutrippaz and Bolt Boyz in a batch. Got some mud down on his base though. #ageofsigmar #kruleboyz #warhammer #minipainting #tabletop #warhammercommunity #truewip #adepticon2023
#adepticon2023 #truewip #warhammercommunity #tabletop #minipainting #warhammer #kruleboyz #ageofsigmar
Didn't get a lot of work done on the Mirebrute Trogoth the last couple days. I did wash the metals and do some cleanup. But I started speed and batch painting some more friends for him. Oh and that may be my nephew's Dwarf for D&D I printed and prepped to paint for him.
#ageofsigmar #kruleboyz #warhammer #minipainting #tabletop #warhammercommunity #truewip #adepticon2023
#adepticon2023 #truewip #warhammercommunity #tabletop #minipainting #warhammer #kruleboyz #ageofsigmar