If psychologists of the future want to watch a clinical case of #TrumpDerangementSyndrome , or #TDS , they can do no better than watch this deposition video 🎥 👉 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZT82vdtLf/
#trumpderangementsyndrome #tds
#TrumpDerangementSyndrome creates a hunted criminal in NC🤣
"Man who lit ‘#Trump Won’ sign on fire will be charged"
"Local ... businessman John Kane posted the footage on social media, which showed a man cycling past his house stopping by the sign, which read “#TrumpWon,” and trying to take it down. An initial video showed that man kicking the sign, while subsequent videos showed what appears to be the same man lighting the original sign and a replacement on fire." https://archive.ph/tz37u
#trumpderangementsyndrome #trump #trumpwon
Historians will not be kind in documenting the GOP in the tRump era #trumpderangementsyndrome
Historians will not be kind in documenting the GOP in the tRump era #trumpderangementsyndrome
EBL: MAGA Martyr ☀️😬😡 https://evilbloggerlady.blogspot.com/2023/08/maga-martyr.html
#TrumpIndictment #OrangeManBad 🍊 #TrumpDerangementSyndrome
#trumpindictment #orangemanbad #trumpderangementsyndrome
EBL: TRUMP GETS MORE INDICTMENTS 😬 🍊https://evilbloggerlady.blogspot.com/2023/08/trump-gets-more-indictments.html
#DonaldTrump #orangemanbad #trumpderangementsyndrome
The #WokeMindVirus (#WMV ) 🦠 is just another variant of #TrumpDerangementSyndrome (#TDS ) 🧠.
And they are BOTH cases of SELF-diagnosis!
#NeverForget that in #MAGA -world, #EveryAccusationIsAConfession !
#wokemindvirus #wmv #trumpderangementsyndrome #tds #NeverForget #MAGA #everyaccusationisaconfession
By now, everyone knows that with hardcore members of the #MAGA cult, #EveryAccusationonIsaConfession.
Here’s one of #DonaldTheDeplorable ‘s attorneys #AlinaHabba confessing to suffering from #TrumpDerangementSyndrome , as if it wasn’t already obvious to everyone! 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-lawyer-responds-indictment_n_6482d904e4b06725aedf16d4
And now you also know why you’ve never heard of Widener University Commonwealth Law School! 😂
#MAGA #everyaccusationonisaconfession #donaldthedeplorable #alinahabba #trumpderangementsyndrome
#TrumpDerangementSyndrome #TrumpIndictment
#JustSayin You're #Hypocrites #Democrats ... because you're ok with #Fascism, as long as it's #BLUEFascism
#trumpderangementsyndrome #trumpindictment #justsayin #hypocrites #democrats #fascism #bluefascism
maga are the ones with trump derangement syndrome #tds accepting the unacceptable for 8 years now!!!
They should be SHUNNED (old-school word for “cancel”😹).
#trumpderangementsyndrome #trump #maga
#tds #trumpderangementsyndrome #trump #maga
maga are the ones with trump derangement syndrome … accepting the unacceptable for going on 8 years now!!! They should be SHUNNED (old-school word for “cancel”😹).
#trumpderangementsyndrome #trump #maga
Colorado #Qanon #DarkMAGA cult members #BryanHill and #TracyJoRemington clearly suffer from #TrumpDerangementSyndrome and are a danger to the Douglas County community they live in.
#qanon #DarkMAGA #bryanhill #tracyjoremington #trumpderangementsyndrome
@gwfoto "When I say something that you might think is a gaffe, it's on purpose. It's not a gaffe."
~Donald #Trump explains, in so many words, that most Americans are stupider than he is ... and actually believe his idiotic statements. #TrumpDerangementSyndrome
#trump #trumpderangementsyndrome
"When I say something that you might think is a gaffe, it's on purpose. It's not a gaffe."
~Donald #Trump explains, in so many words, that most Americans are stupider than he is ... and actually believe his idiotic statements. #TrumpDerangementSyndrome
#trump #trumpderangementsyndrome
EBL: Vincenzo Camuccini: La morte di Cesare https://evilbloggerlady.blogspot.com/2023/03/vincenzo-camuccini-la-morte-di-cesare.html
#IdesOfMarch #OrangeManBad #TrumpDerangementSyndrome
#idesofmarch #orangemanbad #trumpderangementsyndrome
@RichStein @ct_bergstrom @ethanz ⬆️
Was #AdamSerwer describing a symptom of #TrumpDerangementSyndrome , which might be caused by a #DeplorableGene 🧬?
#adamserwer #trumpderangementsyndrome #deplorablegene
People in the #DarkMAGA cult suffer from the actual #TrumpDerangementSyndrome , where #EveryAccusationIsaConfession . People with #TDS can often be identified as #Ammosexuals . And then there’s #DallasHumber from Sacramento; Neo-Nazi promoter online, dildo saleswoman in-person! 😂 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dallas-humber-terrorgram-narrator-mass-shootings_n_64010e78e4b0d14ed6a6a545
#DarkMAGA #trumpderangementsyndrome #everyaccusationisaconfession #tds #ammosexuals #dallashumber
EBL: Weirdo Trump Grand Jury Foreperson in Georgia 🍑🤔😬 https://evilbloggerlady.blogspot.com/2023/02/weirdo-grand-jury-foreperson-in-georgia.html
#TrumpDerangementSyndrome #TrumpGrandJury #DonaldTrump
#trumpderangementsyndrome #trumpgrandjury #DonaldTrump
@trueslicky ⬆️
In the #MAGA cult #EveryAccusationIsaConfession , and it isn’t even intentional. It is a symptom of their #MentalIllness 🧠.
#MAGA #everyaccusationisaconfession #mentalillness #trumpderangementsyndrome
#Trump Is Suffering From #TrumpDerangementSyndrome
Trump crafted an aura of extreme wealth and power that resulted in a bubble of illusion in some ways similar to the influence that #Jobs and #Musk created around their core operatives. Unfortunately he did so in politics and cast his spell not only on himself and his core as well but on a gullible public hungry for a rebellious leader. We are still paying for that illusion and I fear we will for the foreseeable future
#trump #trumpderangementsyndrome #jobs #musk