Assange has been forced to wait almost an ENTIRE YEAR, since #shamuary6 for this. A measley two-day exhibition of "#lawfare" on October 27.
However this time the proceedings occur without the journalist #CraigMurray to comment on them, because Mr Murray is now in prison under what we would describe as yet another example of #trumpedUpCharges.
#protestThis #protest #freeJournalistAssange #freeDanielHale
#shamuary6 #lawfare #craigmurray #trumpedUpCharges #journalist #protestThis #protest #FreeJournalistAssange #FreeDanielHale
Its getting pretty obvious that the #deepState go after #bitcoiners.
Anyday now we expect the #WinklevossTwins and #JackDorsey to be arrested (read: #extorted).
Smells of #lawfare.
#extortion #law #kleptocrats #CIA #clintonCrimeFamily #bushCrimeFamily #microsoft #Cloudflare #Google #bitLicense #moneyLaundering #sexCrimes #drugsOffenses #bitcoin #trumpedUpCharges #fakeNews #forcedNews #noExtradition #Spain #Sweden #UK #US #uspol
#deepstate #bitcoiners #julianassange #rossulbricht #CharlieShrem #bitmex #johnmcafee #WinklevossTwins #jackdorsey #extorted #lawfare #extortion #law #kleptocrats #cia #clintoncrimefamily #BushCrimeFamily #microsoft #cloudflare #google #bitLicense #moneylaundering #sexcrimes #drugsOffenses #bitcoin #trumpedUpCharges #fakenews #forcedNews #noExtradition #spain #sweden #uk #us #uspol