Republican cowards are choosing loyalty to Trump over law and order—they’re ready to flush democracy down the gold leaf, gaudy Trump toilet clogged with national defense documents in service of a fascist criminal. #GOP #GOPTraitors #IndictTheGOP #VoteBlueIfYouWantToLive #TrumpEspionage #TraitorTrump
The 2024 G.O.P. Field Faces a Choice: Law and Order or Loyalty | GIFT LINK | 11-JUN-2023
#traitortrump #trumpespionage #voteblueifyouwanttolive #indictthegop #goptraitors #gop
Barr: GOP spouting ‘big lies’ comparing Trump handling of classified documents to previous presidents #GOPLiars #TrumpEspionage #GOP #LindseyGraham #GymJordan
#gymjordan #lindseygraham #gop #trumpespionage #GOPLiars
READ Trump's's mind boggling ....
....the danger this man put our country, our military and our covert intelligence agents in.
What a complete GARBAGE human. He should be facing firing squad. And should immediately be remanded into custody at arraignment....31 COUNTS under the Espionage his own words. 38 counts in total.
NO HOAX here...just TREASON!
With the #trumpespionage indictment beginning we can start getting some use out of Aldrich Ames' cell, he just died in prison, so that's unoccupied, and Epstein's guards, who may have little to be managing.
BREAKING: NBC News confirms that Donald Trump has been charged under 18 US Code 793, “Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information”, otherwise known as the “Espionage Act”. This is one of 7 charges. - Ali Velshi
#TrumpEspionage #TrumpIndictment
#trumpespionage #trumpindictment
Espionage....still firing squad on the books for it, yes? A former Pres has more responsibility than ANYONE not to commit espionage against the country he supposedly led.
Give Trump the firing squad...he deserves NOTHI(NG LESS.
And I'm NOT a proponent of the death penalty...but in this case, I am. #TrumpTreason #TrumpEspionage
While Trump and his fellow MAGAs are quickly sinking in an ocean of corruption they created, let’s take a look at Biden’s accomplishments. Let’s go Brandon.
#TrumpESPIONAGE #DarkBrandon #MAGATears
#trumpespionage #darkbrandon #MAGATears