Trump family gains reprieve
Good news but still not home free
Court case goes on still
#ivankatrump #courtcase #trumpfamily #haiku #poetry
#ChrisChristie ATTACKS "Grifter" #TrumpFamily In #2024Launch
#chrischristie #trumpfamily #2024launch
Indictment Pizzagate Party!!!
#trumpindictment #donaldtrump #45thpresident #maga #pizzagate #pızzagateisreal🍕🍕🍕 #makeamericagreatagain #potus #usa #trumptrain #trump2024 #republican #conservative #americafirst #keepamericagreat #buildthewall #2024election #trumpsupporters #trumpmemorabilia #donaldtrumppresident #election2020 #trumpforpresident #trumprally #trumpfamily #donaldtrumpjr #pizza #cheese #pizzalife #foodie #indictments #criminal #instafood #foodstagram #homemadepizza #foodporn #yum #delicious #foodgasm #foodpics #foodlovers #pizzalove #pizzaparty #pizzanight #aiphotography
#trumpindictment #donaldtrump #45thpresident #maga #pizzagate #pizzagateisreal #makeamericagreatagain #potus #usa #trumptrain #trump2024 #republican #conservative #americafirst #keepamericagreat #buildthewall #2024election #trumpsupporters #trumpmemorabilia #donaldtrumppresident #election2020 #trumpforpresident #trumprally #trumpfamily #donaldtrumpjr #pizza #cheese #pizzalife #foodie #indictments #criminal #instafood #foodstagram #homemadepizza #foodporn #yum #delicious #foodgasm #foodpics #foodlovers #pizzalove #pizzaparty #pizzanight #aiphotography
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Melania Trump Reportedly Spends Her Days Dissociating at Mar-a-Lago #Jezebel #politicsbycountry #lagomelaniatrump #businesspeople #stormydaniels #humaninterest #muellerreport #melaniatrump #unitedstates #donaldtrump #trumpfamily #maralago #melania #melanie
#jezebel #politicsbycountry #lagomelaniatrump #businesspeople #stormydaniels #humaninterest #muellerreport #melaniatrump #unitedstates #donaldtrump #trumpfamily #maralago #melania #melanie
Am I the only one who thinks that the #Trump “family” took a very severe beating from the UGLY stick?
#trump #trumpfamily #donaldtrump
A state court judge handed down the #sentence after #Weisselberg, 75, who worked for the #TrumpFamily for the past half-century, testified as the prosecution’s star witness at the trial of the co. Weisselberg, its fmr CFO, had been facing years in prison. Under a #PleaDeal, he agreed to testify truthfully in exchange for a punishment that, w/good behavior, might last no more than 100 days.
#sentence #weisselberg #trumpfamily #pleadeal
This lyng disgraced lawyer fell on his sword "told the jury when questioned by #Trump attorneys that he did not scheme or conspire with anybody in the #Trump family"
So now he does 3 months in #ClubFed and he's out to enjoy the fruits of keeping his mouth shut via the #TrumpFamily"
Another black spot on the our democracy
Former CFO of Trump Org. sentenced to jail Allen Weisselberg gets five months for his role in a decade-long tax fraud scheme. He's headed to Rikers
This is how a #malignant #narcissist acts. #Trump sees nothing to be #ashamed of in his #tax returns or that he had to be required by the #Supreme Court to disclose them for the first time in #history. And what does he say when asked to explain...gee look at what a #smart #successful #businessman I am and how smart I am at #dodging tax laws. He is incapable of feeling #shame, insulated by his own self #aggrandizement. The entire #Trumpfamily has been infected and is a menace to our #democracy.
#malignant #narcissist #trump #ashamed #tax #supreme #history #smart #successful #businessman #dodging #shame #aggrandizement #trumpfamily #Democracy
重要な発明がディープステートに封印されているとか,果ては金星人だったとか,発明家ニコラ・テスラはとかく謎の多い伝説的人物ですが,真相はいかに? 豪州出身の政治学者にしてユーフォロジスト,マイケル・サラ博士が元 FBI 特務捜査官ジョン・デスーザ氏をインタビューしていますが,これによれば,テスラの死に際し FBI の嘱託を受けて死因捜査を手掛けたのは,トランプ前大統領の叔父にあたる物理学者ジョン・トランプ博士。博士が所属していた MIT は1947年のロズウェル UFO 墜落事件を調査したことで知られている。歴史的不正選挙でトランプ氏を WH から排除した一昨年の米大統領選とも相俟って,ここには現代政治に関わるなにかが潜んでいそうな気がします。
#nikolatesla #freeenergy #venus #ufology #trumpfamily