2016: DNC Hillbots played dirty putting child porn on Bernie accts
2020: Scumbag James O’Keefe #ProjectVeritas is doctoring vids and posting them
Bernie is their target right now!
#DonTheCon endorses garbage.
#OnlyBernieBeatsTrump #TrumpFearsBernie
#trumpfearsbernie #onlyberniebeatstrump #donthecon #projectveritas
RT @Students_Bernie@twitter.com
NEW: Florida general election poll
Bernie 53% (+6)
Trump 47%
Biden 51% (+2)
Trump 49%
Warren 51% (+2)
Trump 49%
Buttigieg 50%
Trump 50%
Florida is a very important state, I wonder if this poll will get any coverage?
#Bernie2020 #BernieBeatsTrump #TrumpFearsBernie
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Students_Bernie/status/1217514861808144384
#trumpfearsbernie #berniebeatstrump #Bernie2020
Trumpsters parrot lies, try to drag #Bernie2020 and #NotMeUs about #MedicareForAll #QualityOfLife #truths because #DonTheCon never followed thru on those #PromisesMadePromisesKept they worship their #GrifterInChief for. #TruthHurts #TrumpFearsBernie #BernieBeatsTrump 🔥
#berniebeatstrump #trumpfearsbernie #truthhurts #GrifterInChief #PromisesMadePromisesKept #donthecon #truths #qualityoflife #MedicareForAll #notmeus #Bernie2020
RT @PhuyenH@twitter.com
Remember when Trump challenged Bernie to a debate and when Bernie agreed, Trump ran away? Bernie would have won in 2016 and Bernie will destroy Trump in 2020. Strongest multiracial, multigenerational, grassroots movement. Bernie is the antithesis of Trump. #TrumpFearsBernie
RT @People4Bernie@twitter.com
It's true, #TrumpFearsBernie, but it's not because of Bernie Sanders, it's because of us.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/People4Bernie/status/1215739664797028352
RT @soakfeet@twitter.com
Becasue Medicare for all includes:
✔Hearing aids
✔Long term care
✔In home care
RT @TravisRuger@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TravisRuger/status/1215752736941256705
THIS is #Truth !!!! In 1973, Nixon signed into law the Health Maintenance Organization Act as a personal favor for his friend and campaign financier, Edgar Kaiser, then president and chairman of Kaiser-Permanente.
#EnoughIsEnough #BernieOrBust #MedicareForAll #TrumpFearsBernie
#trumpfearsbernie #MedicareForAll #bernieorbust #enoughisenough #truth
RT @proviewsusa@twitter.com
#TrumpFearsBernie https://twitter.com/NYforSanders/status/1215717051580518400
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/proviewsusa/status/1215752220685238273