But I'm sure he cares about you!
#MAGA #TrumpGrifter #ArrestTrumpNow
Deadbeat 45th president owes millions in unpaid bills to local cops for working his MAGA rallies https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/3/1/2155677/-Deadbeat-45th-president-owes-millions-in-unpaid-bills-to-local-cops-for-working-his-MAGA-rallies
#ArrestTrumpNOW #trumpgrifter #MAGA
The Grifter-in-Chief shills crap because he can’t attract legitimate advertisers. #TrumpGrifter #GOPTraitors
On Trump’s Social Network: Ads for Miracle Cures, Scams and Fake Merchandise GIFT LINK | 27-JAN-2023 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/27/technology/trump-truth-social-ads.html?unlocked_article_code=g8xZ1qtz2k6hamnoZdGVcPLeAV4hsvN-B8HgpREiD24ZwtaeqeSKz39f_B-os7rCR3ZVeGucUA79iFwJ-3ZqRa1BRhzbTusIY2LAwKi5l6K1l8xav95CmKGVV4NvAH6VGnUE8_j2EZN4kiCXxOIMdAouhhplfOQtBBqGlc9pCUAiIshe-22T_VpKrCz4wVrdkLNcfNBSS_vrNhs-0q4TmOPdnN2tnnMf8vse8l8VNSonX8VS-o1pjKiVbbjhnRsAEozkxXwx3CQaPEbkbleT3ByTk5FzVgdv0kCZ1JvbW2BQ6RhITgP3aWV69YLoUnWs7L-vYyH_ZJkOlpBexjaHYGYTrw&smid=share-url
So it turns out that not only is trump not a billionaire, but he also lied about donating his salary. Is anyone surprised?
#trumpgrifter #trumptaxes #Trump
So it turns out that not only is trump not a billionaire, but he also lied about donating his salary. Is anyone surprised?
#trumpgrifter #trumptaxes #Trump
So Donald Trump's tax returns show he was losing money until he ran for president, and only made money off his presidential grift.
No wonder he wanted to keep them hidden.
#trump #TrumpTaxes #TrumpGrifter
#trumpgrifter #trumptaxes #Trump
IRS failed to audit Trump's taxes during his presidency, despite mandatory program, committee says https://flip.it/NlAw_r #trumpstax #trumpscams #TrumpGrifter
#trumpstax #trumpscams #trumpgrifter
Feds Are ‘Begging’ Congress to Stop Donald #TrumpGrifter Donation Scam https://www.thedailybeast.com/feds-are-begging-congress-to-stop-donald-trump-donation-scam Requests to shut legal loopholes related to the personal use of political funds, so-called “scam PACs,” and straw donor schemes. The agency asked Congress to put more muscle behind those laws last year, too, but lawmakers seem even more averse to the idea than the notoriously sluggish FEC, whose routine partisan deadlocks over enforcement, the agency is“broken.”
Trump's Trading Card Grift is Worse than You Think He Is Commiting Fraud In Plain Sight https://threats.substack.com/p/trumps-trading-card-grift-is-worse Funny, yes. But it is far, far worse than you think. And to understand why, we have to begin tracing the web of corporations involved in producing these worthless digital cards. They lead to some sleazy places #TrumpCrimeSyndicate #TrumpGrifter #ArrestTrumpNow
#trumpcrimesyndicate #trumpgrifter #ArrestTrumpNow
'Murrica is officially too embarrassed to ever call itself #TheCityonTheHill ever again!
#thecityonthehill #trumpgrifter #tradingcardsfortrailertrash
#DonaldTrump was building up an announcement, prompting his supporters & sycophants to speculate about a new political party, running mate, or something else “bigly.” Instead, it was just another Trump #grift : the sale of valueless #NFTs with images of #Trump that are more than 100 lbs slimmer and considerably less orange than he actually is. The NFTs provide a chance to dine with Trump, which he’s offered before & never showed. He shamelessly takes advantage of his base. #TrumpGrifter #Conman
#donaldtrump #grift #nfts #trump #trumpgrifter #conman
#TrumpGrifter Hoarded Most Of The $147 Million In Small-Donor Money He Raised For Himself | HuffPost Latest News https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-campaign-hoarder_n_639a3c77e4b015bb57421383
Stop the presses! You can't make it up..the perfect Christmas gift https://youtu.be/uBJDUAKqM68 #TrumpInsanity #TrumpGrifter Seriously time for the rubber room.