SLCW💥 · @slcw
353 followers · 3647 posts · Server

Only in Alina Habba's deluded, idiotic mind is afraid of Donald . What a completely dumb thing to say. At Trump's , Smith stared him down the entire time while Trump wouldn't meet his gaze even once. Other than her imagination, there's no basis to conclude that Smith is afraid of Trump. None whatsoever.

#jacksmith #trump #arraignments #trumpindictment #trumpdelusions #trumpidiocy

Last updated 1 year ago

SLCW💥 · @slcw
351 followers · 3604 posts · Server

Why does this idiot keep ranting about communists and Marxists? Does he imagine that this is the Joe McCarthy era? I challenge him to point to even one communist in American government. I don't even think he knows what communism is, because he sometimes mixes in "fascists", which is nonsensical if you know anything about fascism and communism. He's just so goddammed stupid.

#trumpindictment #trumpdelusions #trumpidiocy

Last updated 1 year ago