News media reminding of this gem from my Bonnie-Belle Roller Disco Days.
All true patriotic Americans who believe in the #RuleOfLaw are getting their champagne ready for #TrumpIndictmentDay - Round 2
Next up?
DOJ - #Jan6thInsurrection Indictments
GA- #ElectionFraud Indictments
Be afraid #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy
#trumpforprison2024 #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy #electionfraud #Jan6thInsurrection #trumpindictmentday #ruleoflaw
All true patriotic Americans who believe in the #RuleOfLaw are getting their champagne ready for tomorrow's
#TrumpIndictmentDay - Round 2
Next up?
DOJ - #Jan6thInsurrection Indictments
GA- #ElectionFraud Indictments
Be afraid #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy
#trumpforprison2024 #GOPTraitorsToDemocracy #electionfraud #Jan6thInsurrection #trumpindictmentday #ruleoflaw
Document 5 was clearly marked NOFORN AND ORCON. It being out of the SCIF or out of the control of the original source is a major crime. BTW - It pertains to nuclear capabilities of another country. No big deal, right? #TrumpIsATraitor #TrumpIndictmentDay
#trumpisatraitor #trumpindictmentday
#TrumpIndictmentDay 😂🥳
#MoronTrump 🤪
»Da kann auch Lucy nicht mehr helfen…«
#trumpindictmentday #morontrump
Why is @CNN NOT pushing back on allegations against the DA?
A GRAND JURY, private citizens, brought about the charges
They're negligent in NOT demanding the truth and NOT removing the target on the DA
Lots of giddy memes about #TrumpIndictmentDay (although we haven’t seen it yet). My own experience is a continuation of a sadness I’ve felt since his nakedly racist speech announcing his candidacy.
Hard to remember a time I felt confident that was the end of his political career, and possibly his brand. To be that overt about white supremacy was a step too far for public life, I thought then. This was wrong. Trump tore the veil off. Maybe, historically, a necessary step for progress — someday.
"The Novelty is over!" March 30, 2023 enters the history books as #TrumpIndictmentDay! Woohoo! National healing may begin.. The floodgates are officially open! Let the @GOP-#MAGA-#KKK #Christofascist Confederate Cult of #CuzzinFukkers' tears flow!!!
#trumpindictmentday #maga #kkk #christofascist #cuzzinfukkers