#DonaldTrump is now both a
Draft-Dodger AND a Debate-Dodger
#donaldtrump #trumpisacoward #trumpthedraftdodger #trumpthedebatedodger
#DonaldTrump is officially a chickenshit coward
Donald Trump had previously stated he would not participate in the first Republican presidential candidate debate this Wednesday on Fox and would instead do an interview with Tucker Carlson. Now it appears that Trump has ruled out doing any debates in the GOP primaries. Trump just posted that he thinks he is so great and that his record is so impressive that he doesn’t need to debate.
Donald Trump meets Jack Smith in court.
#lockhimup #trumpisatraitor #trumpisarapist #trumpisacoward
CBS News:
Donald Trump says "I didn't know what a subpoena was, or a Grand Jury...Now I'm becoming an expert."
Yeah, Donnie, that's what happens when you commit crimes in broad daylight--you learn quickly about the potential consequences.
#trumpisarapist #trumpisatraitor #trumpisacoward #lockhimup
#Trump is saying he'll appear tomorrow, but he really just wants to complain and talk tough. He won't show up because he's a #Coward and knows he'd only damage himself.
#TrumpIsGuilty #RapistTrump #TrumpIsACoward #BullyTrump
Trump and lawyer disagree if he is returning to 'confront' rape accuser https://www.rawstory.com/trump-and-lawyer-disagree-if-he-is-returning-to-confront-rape-accuser-2659955676/
#bullytrump #trumpisacoward #RapistTrump #TrumpIsGuilty #coward #Trump