I'm not freaking out, YOU'RE freaking out. Will coward prosecutors ACTUALLY do the right thing to protect America? Post your best reaction for #TrumpIndictmentWeek
#trumpindictment #trumpindictments #trumparrest #trumpisgoingtoprison #trumpisaliar #trumpsucks #trumpisgoingdown #liberals #liberal #Democrat #democrats #savedemocracy #politics #politicsmemes #politicalhub #political #politicsmeme #politicalmemes #politicalparody #politicalcomedy #politicalmeme #politicsparody #politicalhumor
#trumpindictmentweek #trumpindictment #TrumpIndictments #trumparrest #TrumpIsGoingToPrison #trumpisaliar #trumpsucks #trumpisgoingdown #liberals #liberal #democrat #democrats #savedemocracy #politics #politicsmemes #politicalhub #political #politicsmeme #politicalmemes #politicalparody #politicalcomedy #PoliticalMeme #politicsparody #politicalhumor
This not even considered "news" anymore. Why should we even be surprised by things like these, #MrOrangeTrump is the epitome of corruption and moral decadence. If Trump donated a million dollars ... no, wait ... a hundred dollars to the children-refugee welfare fund then that's REAL NEWS!!!
#mrorangetrump #trumpisaliar #trumpisacheat #trumpiscorrupt #lockhimup
Kay Johnston does not lie. Believe your eyes and your ears.
Trump's Brazen Tax Cheating Revealed | DCReport.org https://www.dcreport.org/2022/12/27/trumps-brazen-tax-cheating-revealed/
#TrumpIsALiar There is no conspiracy #TrumpLost The #January6thReport has the receipts 🙂 Merry Christmas 🎄🧑🎄
#trumpisaliar #TrumpLost #january6threport