Donald Trump meets Jack Smith in court.
#lockhimup #trumpisatraitor #trumpisarapist #trumpisacoward
So, can we all stop putting "alleged" in front of "rapist Donald Trump" now?
“The proof convincingly established, and the jury implicitly found, that Mr. Trump deliberately and forcibly penetrated Ms. Carroll’s vagina with his fingers, causing immediate pain and long lasting emotional and psychological harm.” #Trump #rapist #TrumpIsARapist #USPol
#trump #rapist #trumpisarapist #uspol
CBS News:
Donald Trump says "I didn't know what a subpoena was, or a Grand Jury...Now I'm becoming an expert."
Yeah, Donnie, that's what happens when you commit crimes in broad daylight--you learn quickly about the potential consequences.
#trumpisarapist #trumpisatraitor #trumpisacoward #lockhimup
Trump is a syphilitic moron.
His brain has been destroyed by Adderall, cocaine, fast food, and venereal disease.
You can see it every time he speaks publicly.
It doesn't help that he has the vocabulary of a five year-old.
#lockhimupalready #trumpisarapist
After years of attacking voters and election systems as illegitimate for rejecting Trump, denying the legitimacy of the jury system is only the next logical step for Republicans.
#GOPfascists #RepublicansAreTheProblem #GOPLies #TrumpIsARapist #trumpverdict
#GOPfascists #republicansaretheproblem #goplies #trumpisarapist #trumpverdict
Kaplan, who kept her cool & didn’t respond to Trump’s repeated personal attacks against her, asked him if he felt that stars could actually grab women “by the pussy.”
“Historically that’s true with stars. If you look over the last million years, that’s largely true, unfortunately—or fortunately,” he said.
Kaplan followed up by asking if Trump considers himself a star.
“Yeah,” he acknowledged.
#Rape #SexualAssault #BelieveSurvivors
#LockHimUp #TrumpIsARapist
#rape #sexualassault #believesurvivors #lockhimup #trumpisarapist
RT @TheSGTJoker
The @GOP’s Overlard has decided not to attend his own Rape Trial citing how unfair it was for the “corrupt Judge” to demand that he tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. #RapistInChief #TrumpRapeTrial #TrumpIsARapist
#rapistinchief #trumprapetrial #trumpisarapist
🐲 👍
I hope E. Jean Carroll's settlement will be YUGE.