Convicted of #SeditiousConspiracy in addition to #Rhodes & #Meggs were #RobertoMinuta of Prosper, TX; #JosephHackett of Sarasota, FL; #DavidMoerschel of Punta Gorda, FL, & #EdwardVallejo of Phoenix, AZ.
#MAGAterrorism #RightWingTerrorism #DomesticTerrorism #StateSponsoredTerrorism #TrumpIsATerrorist #Trump #Jan6th #January6th #NeverForget
#seditiousconspiracy #rhodes #meggs #robertominuta #josephhackett #davidmoerschel #edwardvallejo #magaterrorism #rightwingterrorism #domesticterrorism #statesponsoredterrorism #trumpisaterrorist #trump #jan6th #january6th #neverforget
#OathKeepers leader #Rhodes #sentenced to #18years for #Jan6 #SeditiousConspiracy
#StewartRhodes & others are set to receive the first punishments for #FarRight #extremist group members #convicted of seditious conspiracy.
#MAGAterrorism #RightWingTerrorism #DomesticTerrorism #StateSponsoredTerrorism #TrumpIsATerrorist #Trump #Jan6th #January6th #NeverForget
#oathkeepers #rhodes #sentenced #18years #jan6 #seditiousconspiracy #stewartrhodes #farright #extremist #convicted #magaterrorism #rightwingterrorism #domesticterrorism #statesponsoredterrorism #trumpisaterrorist #trump #jan6th #january6th #neverforget
#Trump made the declaration on Truth Social at 7:26 AM, in a post written in all capital letters that ended by saying, “THE FAR & AWAY LEADING REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE AND FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WILL BE ARRESTED ON TUESDAY OF NEXT WEEK. PROTEST, TAKE OUR NATION BACK!”
#TrumpIsATerrorist #MAGAterrorism #Extremism #Incitement #PoliticalViolence
#trump #trumpisaterrorist #magaterrorism #extremism #incitement #politicalviolence
New #Trump #Incitement of #PoliticalViolence
W/his #indictment by a Manhattan #GrandJury expected but its timing uncertain, #Trump declared on his social media site Saturday that he would be #arrested on Tuesday, & demanded that his #supporters #protest on his behalf.
#TrumpIsATerrorist #MAGAterrorism #Extremism
#trump #incitement #politicalviolence #indictment #grandjury #arrested #supporters #protest #trumpisaterrorist #magaterrorism #extremism
“Musico was sentenced to 12 to 42 years in prison, w/sentences for 3 charges running consecutively. He received 5 to 20 years for #GangMembership, 5 to 20 years for #ProvidingMaterialSupport to a #terrorist & 2 years for #FelonyFirearm.“
#RightWingExtremism #DomesticTerrorism #DomesticViolentExtremism #StateSponsoredTerror #MAGAterrorism #TrumpIsATerrorist
#gangmembership #providingmaterialsupport #terrorist #felonyfirearm #rightwingextremism #domesticterrorism #domesticviolentextremism #statesponsoredterror #magaterrorism #trumpisaterrorist