#Trump #trumpismentallyill #Trumpism #trumpcult #TrumpRussia #magots #maralago
#democracy #democracynow
Democracy is a system where people can speak their minds, vote for their leaders, and enjoy the benefits of science. Like Netflix, vaccines, and memes.
Tyranny is a system where people are silenced, manipulated, and oppressed by the lies, evil, and science denialism of a few. Like Voldemort, Thanos, and flat-earthers.
And propaganda is the tool that makes some people think that tyranny is better than democracy...
But they are wrong. Very, very wrong. And also very, very silly.
#trump #trumpismentallyill #Trumpism #trumpcult #trumprussia #magots #maralago #democracy #democracynow
This indictment couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. He has flaunted and broken the law virtually his entire life and gotten away with until now because rich person with lawyers blah, blah, blah, unequal justice. Just days ago he was inciting violence against Bragg. He didn't learn anything from Jan 6th, except that he was seemingly untouchable. This isn't about partisan politics, this is about the law, which he has broken repeatedly, and whether he or anyone, including presidents, should be above the law, or untouchable while trying to destroy our democracy.
Let's see how his base and the GOP handle this moving forward. Do they care about the law, or do they really just care about power and getting their way? Some do care, others couldn't care less. Fortunately, the uncaring autocratic, fascistic, Christian nationalist-leaning ones are a minority in the country as a whole. It is good to know that they would sell out our democracy and the rest of us for their mentally-imbalanced, warped priorities. Now we can stop pretending that they are actual partners in our democracy, rather than committed to destroying it and replacing it with an autocracy for their own selfish, insecure and developmentally-stunted needs.
It's time to strengthen the guardrails and ensure that democracy works and thrives moving forward. And to treat Putin and other leaders who actively seek to destroy our democracy (Yes, I'm thinking of you Mike Flynn, the Claremont Institute, and so many others) as our real enemies and stop pulling punches, because they never stopped pulling theirs. This isn't being nice, or mature or kind, this is about recognizing we are in a death-struggle for our democracy with forces that have actively been seeking to destroy it and lord it over us for their own emotionally immature reasons! None of these people are mentally sound or mature, they are all damaged goods that we can't allow to gain control over our country or the rest of us. Just ask women and gays how it feels to have them imposing their decisions and morality upon them.
Stormy Weather (with Mark Plotkin) - PREVAIL by Greg Olear https://gregolear.substack.com/p/stormy-weather-with-mark-plotkin?
"It happened. It actually happened.
Late yesterday afternoon, the breaking news alert of all breaking news alerts came through: a grand jury in Manhattan—the gleaming New York borough regarded with covetous desire by the rich kid from Queens, and long the seat of his empire, such as it is—voted to indict Donald John Trump. He is expected to surrender to authorities on Tuesday.
Whatever the outcome of the case, FPOTUS can no longer employ the Mogilevich Defense. His MAGA legions can bitch and moan all they like, but Trump’s aura of invincibility is gone forever. His ketchup-hurling energies will now be dedicated to staying out of prison. When his mugshot is released, the world will finally catch a glimpse of the—what’s his Twitter handle? Oh right—RealDonaldTrump.
Now that the beleaguered Alvin Bragg has broken the proverbial seal, more indictments may yet come—weightier indictments, from different jurisdictions, for crimes of far greater magnitude. For now, it looks like hush money paid to Stormy Daniels is what pushed the orange boulder down the hill. This is ironic, because bragging about bedding a beautiful porn star, rather than covering up the dalliance, would have probably endeared him to his base even more.
While there are those in the rightwing social media bubble who believe the indictment will help Trump’s prospects in 2024, here on planet earth, we know the opposite is true. This is not Mandela or Navalny wrongly imprisoned for their political views; this is a lifetime of crime finally catching up to a money laundering tax cheat and rapist with deep ties to the Russian mob and the Kremlin. In a word, this is justice.
#mentallyimbalanced #insecurenfearful #theyneedtocontrolus #goplovespower #gophatesdemocracy #theobscenelyrichrsick #trumpismentallyill #trumpsbaseismentallyill