The #judge held #lawyers for #SWA in #contempt of court for their actions in a #religious-discrimination case brought by a fmr flight attendant & ordered them to undergo “religious liberty training.” And not just any instruction, but training conducted by the #AllianceDefendingFreedom (#ADF), a #conservative group that litigates against #SameSexMarriage, #TransgenderRights & #AbortionRights.
#Judiciary #Law #Trump #TrumpJudge #SouthwestAirlines #RightWing #extremist #ReeducationCamp #Texas
#judge #lawyers #swa #contempt #religious #alliancedefendingfreedom #adf #conservative #samesexmarriage #transgenderrights #abortionrights #judiciary #law #trump #trumpjudge #southwestairlines #rightwing #extremist #reeducationcamp #texas
A #Trump #judge sends #SouthwestAirlines to #RightWing #ReeducationCamp
Another day, another extremist #ruling by another #extremist #TrumpJudge, & this decision — from #Texas, no surprise — is straight out of “The Handmaid’s Tale.”
#Judiciary #Law #AllianceDefendingFreedom #ADF #conservative #SameSexMarriage #TransgenderRights #AbortionRights
#trump #judge #southwestairlines #rightwing #reeducationcamp #ruling #extremist #trumpjudge #texas #judiciary #law #alliancedefendingfreedom #adf #conservative #samesexmarriage #transgenderrights #abortionrights
From 08 Aug: - Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon sides with Trump again in classified documents case #Independent #TrumpJudge #AileenCannon #ClassifiedDocuments #CourtRuling #USPolitics #Politics #News #independent #trumpjudge #aileencannon #classifieddocuments #courtruling #uspolitics #politics #news
#news #politics #uspolitics #courtruling #classifieddocuments #aileencannon #trumpjudge #independent
Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon sides with Trump again in classified documents case
#Independent #TrumpJudge #AileenCannon #ClassifiedDocuments #CourtRuling #USPolitics #Politics #News
#independent #trumpjudge #AileenCannon #classifieddocuments #courtruling #uspolitics #politics #news
Trump draws judge who gave harshest Jan. 6 sentences and warned him "presidents are not kings"
#Salon #TrumpJudge #Jan6Sentences #PresidentsNotKings #HarshestSentences #Warned #Politics #News
#salon #trumpjudge #jan6sentences #presidentsnotkings #harshestsentences #warned #politics #news
Trump’s new judge is a tough Jan. 6 sentencer — and has a history with him
#Politico #TrumpJudge #Jan6Sentencer #TanyaChutkan #HistoryWithTrump #News #Politics #News
#politico #trumpjudge #jan6sentencer #TanyaChutkan #historywithtrump #news #politics
#ConspiracyDoctrine used to FLIP defendants, too. #MarkMeadows named. Hw must have reached a deal.
Weissman and Neal Katyal saying this is a fair minded judge who was appointed by Obama but was a former public defender and does not play politics at all. Saying both sides got a fair draw and Smith will have to be careful not to push the envelope as she's not one to automatically side with prosecutors.
#conspiracydoctrine #markmeadows #trumpjudge #fairjudge
Trump praises judge overseeing his classified documents case, saying she ‘loves our country’
#TrumpJudge #ClassifiedDocumentsCase #LoveOurCountry #JudgePraise #TrumpPraisesJudge #ImportantCase #Politics #News
#trumpjudge #classifieddocumentscase #loveourcountry #judgepraise #trumppraisesjudge #importantcase #politics #news
Trump Judge Effectively Names Himself President | Terry A. Doughty says he gets to decide who the FBI, DHS, HHS, and the Justice Department can talk to.
#TrumpJudge #PresidentialPower #ExecutiveBranch #GovernmentOversight #JudicialAuthority #ChecksAndBalances #Politics #News
#trumpjudge #presidentialpower #executivebranch #governmentoversight #judicialauthority #checksandbalances #politics #news
That is a vital and necessary chunk of information, thanks again for your informed observations, plentiful informed observations.
#CIPA #trump #TrumpJudge
Trump Looks Doomed. An Infamously Pro-Trump Judge Could Save His Bacon.
#VICE #TrumpJudge #proTrump #legalcase #USpolitics #presidentialpardon #Politics #News
#vice #trumpjudge #protrump #LegalCase #uspolitics #presidentialpardon #politics #news
The Most Lawless Court in the Country Won’t Let Biden Vaccinate His Own Workforce
BY Dahlia Lithwick & Mark Joseph Stern #SCOTUS #texasfifthcircuit #trumpjudge #slate @Dahlialith
#slate #trumpjudge #texasfifthcircuit #SCOTUS
I thought "Two months for this whackjob?" Then I saw #TrevorMcFadden, #TrumpJudge, and I understood. #Gionet
#Gionet #trumpjudge #trevormcfadden
Logic? What's logic, asked another #TrumpJudge. 💩
Texas Wins First Lawsuit Against Administration within 6 Days of Biden Inauguration, Trump-Appointed Judge Halts His Illegal Deportation Freeze
#deportation #kenpaxton #texas #trumpjudge #biden #trump
#Trump #Biden #trumpjudge #texas #KenPaxton #deportation