The #TrumpLaptop scandal is even worse than you thought
We’re doomed. #TrumpsLaptop #TrumpLaptop #TrumpLaptopFromHell #TrumpTreason #TrumpStoleClassifiedDocuments
#trumpslaptop #trumplaptop #trumplaptopfromhell #trumptreason #trumpstoleclassifieddocuments
RT @JamesTate121
The FBI and Jack Smith’s team recovered a new folder with classified markings at Mar-A-Lago as well as a laptop that included material from that classified folder at Mar-A-Lago.
There is no more excuse to have him walking around in public. LOCK HIM UP!
The person who's using my #trump hair character to troll people on #truthsocial, looks like they got their hand slapped. So much for free speech I guess. 🤣 #donaldjtrump #donaldjtrumpjr both can pho-k off! #trumplaptop
#trump #truthsocial #donaldjtrump #DonaldJTrumpJr #trumplaptop
Glad to see that #TrumpLaptop is trending over on that foul site.
The #BidenLaptop was supposed to be the #WeinerLaptop for 2020. It failed hard.
But the #TrumpLaptop?
#BidenLaptop #weinerlaptop #trumplaptop
The FBI and Jack Smith’s team recovered a new folder with classified markings at Mar-A-Lago as well as a laptop that included material from that classified folder at Mar-A-Lago.
There is no more excuse to have him walking around in public. LOCK HIM UP!
#trumplaptop #lockhimup #indicttrump
An ex-president leaves office with classified documents and has someone download them onto a laptop computer and thumb drives before they can be returned to the Archives. Can inaction by the Justice Department be justified? I'd think that within a few short hours, every property owned by that ex-president would be sealed and in the midst of the most thorough search in the history of the country. Maybe tomorrow?
#TrumpLaptop #TrumpThumbDrive