Best Images of 2022
All credit to @January6thCmte for it’s incredible devotion & dedication to dig deep & uncover just how widespread & dangerous #TrumpsCoup was.
The #Jan6thInsurrection was it’s endpoint
There were 7 Democratic & 2 GOP patriots - Give credit to these @HouseDems first before fawning over 2 GOP who finally put country over party
#indicttrumpandhisaccomplices #Jan6thInsurrection #trumpscoup
Almost 1 year ago my meme partner @n2play & I created this to explain how deep & wide #TrumpsCoup to overthrow democracy was
The #J6Committee has uncovered the massive evidence to support it
(We did miss the hiding of Top Secret & Classified documents)
DOJ must #IndictTrumpAndHisAccomplices
#indicttrumpandhisaccomplices #j6committee #trumpscoup #bestimagesof2022