oh god this would be true for multiple agencies
RT @jeffcarlson@twitter.com
From a friend in govt: “So during the furlough our network passwords expired so now *the entire agency* is in the IT queue.” #trumpshutdown
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jeffcarlson/status/1089950465909870592
Glad that it's over but we can't forget he's proud to own the #TrumpShutdown by insisting on a medieval "wall or steel barrier" even though there was *always* universal bipartisan support for more effective, more modern border security programs. https://twitter.com/i/events/1088857375505707009
#TrumpShutdown has stopped the #FTC from doing their jahbs!
We've gotten so many spoofed calls lately and they can't be reported.
Nobody watching the hen house but the foxes, opportunistic scammers gonna scam.
"Due to the government shutdown, we are unable to offer this website service at this time. Information about unwanted calls can be found on the FTC’s website at: National Do Not Call Registry | Consumer Information
We will resume normal operations when the government is funded."
Debido al cierre del gobierno, no podemos ofrecer este servicio de esta página de internet en este momento. Puede encontrar información acerca de las llamadas no deseadas en el sitio web de la FTC en: https://www.consumidor.ftc.gov/articulos/s0108-registro-nacional-no-llame
Nosotros reanudaremos el funcionamiento normal cuando el gobierno este financiado.
End the #TrumpShutdown now. Sign here: https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/sign-now-end-the-trumpshutdown-now?source=Fediverse& #politics #USofA
#trumpshutdown #politics #usofa
@theactionnet petition:
End the #TrumpShutdown now.
Sign here:
#trumpshutdown #politics #really #usofa
RT @SaysHummingbird@twitter.com
There is NO question.
Trump and McConnell OWN this shutdown.
They are actively REFUSING to open government.
#TrumpShutdown https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1085213802499579904
Shutdown blocks help for #IdentityTheft victims, as FTC goes dark
"they'd taken off with her handbag and briefcase and everything inside: credit cards, checkbooks, business and Social Security documents, her address book and her mail...
She visited the FTC's identity theft website, identitytheft.gov, and found this message:
"Due to the government shutdown, we are unable to offer this website service at this time."
"It was like I can’t stop it and my government is not there to help," she recalled.
“I have good credit, I’m vulnerable.”
Many identity theft victims are feeling the same way, as the government shutdown enters its fourth week and the FTC is among the many federal agencies to go dormant."
RT @SpeakerPelosi@twitter.com
Taking pride in shutting down the government — taking pride in threatening to do so for months or years — is not the behavior of a responsible president. #TrumpShutdown #EndTheShutdown
#trumpshutdown #endtheshutdown
#trump threatens to declare the state of #emergency over #border funding dispute..
#BorderCrisis #BorderWallFunding #BorderWall #Resist #TrumpShutdown #Trump
#trump #bordercrisis #borderwallfunding #borderwall #emergency #border #resist #trumpshutdown
RT @RogueNASA@twitter.com
This is so sad.
Well, if you want to donate to some of these GoFundMe's linked to help those furloughed by the #TrumpShutdown, feel free.
american madness: killing the government, blowing all ties to the friends in the world, strangling the global economy and posting farmer songs. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-green-acres-video-megan-mullally-farm-bill-signing-twitter-government-shutdown-a8693696.html
#trumpresign #trumpshutdown #trump #putinspuppets
Trumps just trashed US Diplomacy in the Syrian Bin
#TrumpResign #TRUMP #TrumpShutdown #trump
#trumpresign #trump #trumpshutdown
Trumps political fitness
#TrumpResign #TRUMP #TrumpShutdown #trump
#trumpresign #trump #trumpshutdown
Signatures needed: #NoWallNoBootsNoBeds. Any Democrat planning to run for president in 2020 must lead the fight to block Trump's racist anti-immigrant agenda. https://act.credoaction.com/sign/dems_2020_nowall #BreakDownWalls #TrumpShutdown via @CREDOMobile #politics #immigration #society #USofA #StopDrUMPf
#nowallnobootsnobeds #trumpshutdown #politics #immigration #society #usofa #stopdrumpf #breakdownwalls
Honestly, it doesn't surprise me that Trump refuses any responsibility for the #TrumpShutdown. The one thing he IS good at is walking away from failures and leaving other people to suffer for it.
The GOP control every branch of the government, and they can't stop showing not just how evil they are, but how incompetent. #trumpshutdown #uspolitics
Non-Americans: What will you get away with while our government is #ShutDown?
#shutdown #governmentshutdown #trumpshutdown