Pence knows how it feels to fear you; you’re a thug who “allegedly” called him a “pussy”.
Pence will inevitably testify before a grand jury re election interference and your attempted coup. You may manage to delay his testimony, but not for long.
Do tell, Mr. Trump, what’s it like to really fear a man you’ve “allegedly” called a “pussy”?
#HeyTrump #Trump #DonaldTrump #MikePence #JackSmith #January6 #AttemptedCoup #ElectionInterference #TrumpSoScared
#trumpsoscared #electioninterference #attemptedcoup #January6 #jacksmith #mikepence #DonaldTrump #Trump #heytrump
President Trump:
Hang on, Donald. Word is that a million-man MAGA militia is assembling to save you. The operation is being led by a General Godot. Stay strong. Help is on the way.
#Trump #TrumpSoScared #IndictmentsAreComing #Godot #Beckett
#Beckett #godot #indictmentsarecoming #trumpsoscared #Trump