RT @KemaB0197@twitter.com
I’m with Officer Michael Fanone. Trump needs to be held accountable and not just politically. #TrumpTreason #TrumpTraitorCards #TrumpForPrison #DonTheCon #MAGAMorons
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KemaB0197/status/1605226191237091328
#trumptreason #trumptraitorcards #trumpforprison #donthecon #magamorons
So looks like the #TrumpTraitorCards have already lost 72% of value.
Newsweek: Donald Trump's Trading Cards Have Lost This Much Value in One Week.
RT @SmashMagaGame
Trump is done.
Musk is a birdchan dictator.
Crypto is crashing.
Unplug. We don’t need this fascist crypto thing.
Burn, #Web3, burn.
#SmashMAGA #SmashNFT #Cryptofascist #NFTgrift #TrumpTraitorCards #TrumpAnnouncement #BashTheBitcoin #SmashTrump #BoredApeNaziClub #BurnBAYC
#web3 #SMASHmaga #smashnft #cryptofascist #nftgrift #trumptraitorcards #trumpannouncement #bashthebitcoin #smashtrump #boredapenaziclub #burnbayc
RT @SmashMagaGame
Trump is done.
Crypto is crashing.
Unplug. We don’t need this fascist crypto thing.
Burn, #Web3, burn.
#SmashMAGA #SmashNFT #Cryptofascist #NFTgrift #TrumpTraitorCards #TrumpAnnouncement #BashTheBitcoin #SmashTrump #BoredApeNaziClub #BurnBAYC #TrumpNFT
#web3 #SMASHmaga #smashnft #cryptofascist #nftgrift #trumptraitorcards #trumpannouncement #bashthebitcoin #smashtrump #boredapenaziclub #burnbayc #trumpnft
RT @joewo01@twitter.com
#trumptraitorcards #magamorons
RT @BetteMidler@twitter.com
My personal favorite, for being the most accurate. #TrumpTraitorCards https://twitter.com/mpaige226914/status/1604110270808334337
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BetteMidler/status/1604285351610269696
RT @TNTLWATH@twitter.com
John Bolton: If #TrumpTraitorCards were still President, the Russians would be in #Kyiv
Soon we will see the Great Orange Annulus of Magat-a-Largeass take over for Ron Popeil as the late night huckster.